Saving blog cover

This column will provide on-going examples of the lies and attempts by ex-President Trump (and others of his ilk) to overturn the results of the 2020 election and steal the 2024 presidentiaelection, including the actions of senators and representatives to aid him in these endeavors to destroy Democracy by instilling fear in opponents.

"Third time's the charm"
But for whom?

The coming election next month will determine whether Trump is elected president.  It will be his third try at becoming a dictator, destroying Democracy and the Constitution and turning America into a banana republic.

In his first term (first time), he started the MAGA cult, got three supine court justices elected who, along with Roberts, Alito, and Thomas, gutted Roe v. Wade and women's health, stirred up hatred and fear of anyone not a white male supremacist, tried to take away Obamacare, and perfected the art of the lie which he used to rule and divide us in his first term.

In the 2020 election (second time) Trump was unelected by a slim majority of voters who saw through his lies, bigotry, misogyny, racism, self-promotion and bullying, essentially saving Democracy and the Constitution.

The 2024 election will be the third time Trump tries to become a dictator and destroy Democracy, the Constitution and your rights if you are anyone not a white male supremacist. He is seeking with his lies to divide the country and win enough votes to destroy Democracy, the Constitution and your rights.

So you will decide whether Trump becomes a dictator and destroys Democracy, the Constitution and your rights. You will decide whether Trump gets enough MAGA 'republicans' elected to own the House and Senate (he already owns the supine court) to carry out his plan to terrorize anyone not supporting him and rule the country with the iron fist of dictatorship.

You know many people who are in the MAGA cult of Trump who will vote for him in spite of his lies and rambling, incoherent rallies. They listen only to his lies and, being cult members, cannot be convinced to know the truth about his lies, bullying, misogyny, homophobism, racism, hatred, and anti-Semitism. Do not waste your time trying to get them to see the light - they are permanently blinded by devotion to Trump and his MAGA cult.

This election IS the third time charm to save America, Democracy, the Constitution, and your rights by  rejecting Trump and his MAGA cult.  Make it the "Third time's the charm" by finally saving America from the threats of Trump and MAGA. But only if you vote, and convince all others except MAGA cult members (you know, the ones with the TRUMP bumper stickers and signs outside their homes) to vote with you to keep Trump and his MAGA republican candidates from the House and Senate (at state and national levels).  Down ticket voting against 'republicans' (almost all are MAGA cult members) is critical if we are to retain our Democracy and our rights. Vote or live under a dictatorship.

This is how dictators operate

Recent comments by Trump and Vance are clear indicators of how they would operate (as dictators) if they won the election - by intimidation and promoting acts of violence against persons they perceive as being against them.

Trump and Vance continue with the fake story about Haitian immigrants eating cats, dogs, geese, and other pets in (now) two towns in Ohio. The desired result - threats against Haitians living in those two towns (Dayton and Springfield) promulgated by MAGA (party of Trump) extremists.

Vance asks why assassination attempts are only against Trump and not Harris - a naked call for MAGA extremists to attempt assassination of Kamala Harris. That is a clear criminal act (threatening a vice-president) and one can only guess why the court system is not prosecuting Vance for such a call to illegal acts.

These threats will continue and intensify as Trump/Vance polling continues to slide. And if they are elected, Project 2025 - a blueprint for how MAGA would rule - identifies horrific losses to democracy (click on Project 2025 to see what it would entail) and our freedoms.

The only way to stop cult leaders (and winnable dictators) from depriving people of rights and freedoms is to remove them. The two attempts of assassination of Trump are NOT the way to remove the threat he and Vance represent. The only way a non-banana republic country can extinguish the threat of cult leaders is to prevent them from obtaining power - in this case by voting for Harris and Walz and against Trump and Vance. And voting against their MAGA enablers in congress - all down ticket politicians running as republicans should be voted against to keep them out of office.

The 2024 election is our last chance to save democracy, the Constitution, and our freedoms from being taken away from us. Vote against the MAGA politicians in the 2024 election. Vote or lose your freedoms and way of life.

Guns 'n MAGA

The massacre of two students and two teachers in a Georgia school on June 4, 2024 by a 14-year old equipped with an AR15 style assault weapon gifted to him by his father presents a stark reality to the 2024 presidential election held this November.

States with lax gun laws such as Georgia (no background checks required before purchasing weapons like assault weapons, no red-flag laws, and no requirement for a concealed carry permit) make it far too easy for teenagers to obtain an assault weapon and murder innocent students and teachers. In the Georgia case the father of the murderer bought the gun for his son as a "birthday gift." The student was able to get the gun inside the school without detection and go on to kill four innocent persons.

After this murder of 2 students and 2 teachers at the Georgia school, JD Vance said “We don’t have to like the reality that we live in, but it is the reality we live in.” No condolences to families of murdered victims or ideas on how to stop gun violence.

Basically, just get over it, as Trump famously said after a shooting that killed one student and wounded 7 others the day before the January 15 primary. "We have to get over it, we have to move forward.” How do parents of murdered school children "get over it and move forward"?

The 'republican' party (read MAGA) response to murders of children and adults was expressed by Tim Burchett, the Tennessee Republican Representative after the March 27, 2023 mass shooting at a Nashville TN private school, where 3 children and 3 adults were murdered by a gunman with two assault rifles and an automatic pistol (all legally obtained by the 28 year-old shooter in the state of Tennessee). Burchett callously and truthfully said, “We’re not gonna fix it.”

Burchett, Trump, Vance, and the MAGA/republican party have forsaken the safety of our children in deference to political pressure from the NRA, their gun-loving constituents, and manufacturers of assault weapons. To Trump, Vance, Burchett and MAGA politicians, dollars are more important that the lives of our children. The only way to stop this horrific mass murdering of our school children is to ban assault weapons.

To do that, you must vote in the 2024 election to prevent Trump, Vance, and the MAGA/republican party from continuing to allow mass killings of Americans by voting for Harris, Walz and Democrats in the House and Senate who will enact an assault weapon ban to protect us all.

2024 election: Two Scenarios

Scenario 1: Trump is elected president and enough down-ticket 'republicans' are elected that Trump gets a MAGA senate and a MAGA house.

-Abortions for any reason, including rape and incest (even when the victim is 10 or so years old) are banned

-Department of Education is abolished and the MAGA party decides what children are taught, books are banned

-College is available only for rich people

-All Latino persons, regardless of citizenship status are rounded up and put in forced labor camps and/or hired out to perform agricultural work at wages determined by wealthy, corporate farm owners

-Women and minority persons are denied the right to vote

-All government jobs and agencies are purged of current workers and replaced by Trump/MAGA loyalists

-America withdraws from NATO and throws support to Putin and Kim Jung Un, and undermines democracy at home and abroad

-All persons running as democrats in the 2024 election cycle are indicted and convicted by kangaroo courts including the supine court

-Minimum wage laws are rescinded

-Enormous tax cuts are put in place for the rich, paid for by persons who are not rich

-Medicare and Social Security are abolished

-Obama care is abolished and replaced by nothing and millions will once again be without health insurance

-the Environmental Protection Agency is abolished and exploitation of all resources accelerates as does global warming

-Any supine court justices who are enticed to retire (e.g. Thomas & Alito) will be replaced by Trump sycophants such as Aileen Cannon

-The country and laws are run to favor American oligarchs including Musk and Zuckerberg


Harris & Walz are elected in a landslide that the supine court will be unable to overturn, and

-'republicans' running for office as representatives or senators down-ticket are resoundingly rejected, handing Democrats control of the presidency, senate, and house

-abortion and women's rights are made the rule of law

-Obama care is expanded

-Tax cuts are made only for middle class and lower class persons who need them

-Medicare and Social Security are protected

-retiring supine court justices (Thomas and Alito) are replaced by jurists who will protect the Constitution and Democracy

-The environment is protected

-Bullying is rejected, empathy is emphasized

-Trump, realizing that he cannot overturn the election he has lost, will flee the country to avoid prosecution and his remaining years in prison, and will have shifted his wealth to banks in the Maldives (tropical islands with golf courses off the west coast of Africa) and his residency where he cannot be extradited to the U.S. to be held accountable for his many crimes (there is no extradition treaty between the U.S. and the government of the Maldives)

If you don't vote to reject Trump and his MAGA politicians the first scenario will happen.

If you vote to reject Trump and MAGA the second scenario will occur.

What scenario you get depends on whether you vote for the future or don't and are forced to live in a white supremacist past with no rights.


Remember the campaign song (Crazy by Patsy Cline) for Ross Perot's failed bid as a third party candidate in the 1992 presidential election? In the wake of RF Kennedy's failed bid as a third party candidate and "suspending" his campaign to throw in with Trump, that should be the theme song for Trump's campaign (as opposed to Beyonce's Freedom song adopted by the DNC for the Harris campaign). RFK endorsed Trump in the hope of obtaining a cabinet position in a Trump administration. The craziest idea would be for RFK to work for Trump as the head of the Health Department where he would dismantle core functions of federal health agencies (including Medicare and Obamacare). A perfect trifecta featuring crazy presidential and vice-presidential candidates and a crazy cabinet department head.

If you don't want the country to be run by crazy weirdos who would destroy Democracy, the Constitution and your freedoms (including women's health issues such as abortion rights) you must vote this November for Kamala Harris as president and vote against all "republican" candidates down ticket at federal and state levels.

Where's the Beef?

Remember that ad with the elderly lady discovering almost nothing in her hamburger bun and asking, Where’s the beef?

That should be the question all voters have of ex-president Trump and his MAGA politicians running for office in the 2024 election. Where’s the vision for making our lives safer and better? All we have gotten so far is ad hominem attacks, lies, and insults.

By contrast, the Harris/Walz democratic vision for America is to build on the successes of the Biden administration, including keeping and improving health care for all, continuing with infrastructure repair and maintenance, restoring women’s rights including abortion, getting rid of assault weapons, protecting the environment, and working to insure that workers have a fair wage and a say in how their companies are run, and on a compromise solution for the immigration crisis (remember, Trump warned ‘republican’ congress persons, many of who participated in crafting a bi-partisan solution - to vote against such a solution so as to make it a campaign issue).

So what do you want in an administration? One that is concentrated on facts and vision or one that is centered on attacks, slogans, and lies? Your vote counts. Vote for the beef.

The MAGA Platforms for 2024

There are two MAGA platforms for the 2024 presidential election.

1. The characteristic Trump platform which is only ad hominem attacks, lies, and threats.

Trump so much as admitted to this by bemoaning that after President Biden dropped out, he, Trump, would have to change his campaign strategy, which at that point focused on slandering, lies, and ad hominem attacks on President Biden. If his platform had instead been focused on making life better for all Americans, the fact that President Biden dropped out should have had no effect on what should be a substantial platform with a forward vision instead of a retreat to the past which features dominance by white, supremacist men.

2. The former republican politicians, now MAGA politicians, identified their platform in a document titled Project 2025 which lays out what the MAGA party would do to people, as well as for people (rich white businessmen misogynists, racists, and bullies.) To see what Project 2025 will do to you, click on Project 2025. It should be noted that the MAGA vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, wrote “In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon,” in his foreword of the book.

For a comparison of Democrat v. MAGA campaigns, platforms, functioning for Americans, click on comparison.

Back to a Dystopian Past or Ahead to an Inclusive Future?

The messaging contrast between political parties for the 2024 election couldn’t be more extreme and painful. Voting for the MAGA party of Trump, which would take us back to pre-60s white supremacy featuring misogyny, racism, homophobism, anti--Semitism, bullying, guns for everyone, especially assault rifles designed with one purpose - to kill other human beings - suppression of voting by anyone not an ageing and angry white male supremacist, arguing against college education as unnecessary, turning our backs on NATO and combatting authoritarian regimes, and providing tax cuts only for rich old white men? 

Besides, who wants to be ruled by a scowling, bullying, angry and entitled old man who only flings insults and lies instead of providing a vision for running a country for all to be successful? “Where’s the beef?” should be a challenge thrown out to Trump and his MAGA politicians running for office.

Voting for the Democratic party of Harris and Walz, will give a brighter future for all, featuring inclusion, promotion and protection of women’s rights including abortion and other health issues, protection of the environment, emphasis on supporting workers’ rights vs trashing unions, passage of reasonable gun laws featuring outlawing of assault rifles, supporting individual’s rights for self-determination regarding sexual identification, making a college education affordable, and supporting NATO to protect democracies from the threat of dictatorships such as Putin’s Russia.

Wouldn’t you rather be led by people who smile, emphasize with others less fortunate than themselves or hurting, and actually provide a blueprint vision for how to return America to a wonderful place for all peoples to be successful in? Instead of only slinging insults, slander, ad hominem attacks, lies, and snake oil?

Which of those futures do you want to live under? Unless you vote in the 2024 election against Trump and his MAGA politicians who falsely claim to support conservative values, you will be facing a future run by a dictator who will take away all your rights and freedoms. Unless you are an angry, old, white male supremacist, that is.

Because Trump and his MAGA politicians are working mightily to challenge an election where they expect to be fairly defeated, they must be soundly defeated by an overwhelming landslide election. Otherwise, they will use favoritism by the supine court to overturn an election they actually lose.  That means you must get out and vote, and encourage others not in the MAGA cult of Trump to get out and vote to secure a bright rather than being enslaved by a MAGA dictatorship.

Note: the Trump/Vance MAGA platform is basically a big, fluffy bun with no beef (as in the 1984 ad, where's the Beef?). The emphasis is on what they will do to Americans vs. the platform of Harris/Walz which emphasizes what they will do for Americans.

The Swiftboating of Tim Walz

One has to wonder how it is that a purple heart Iraq war veteran (Chris LaCivita - he of the swiftboating of John Kerry) could lower his standards again and respect for the flag to shill for that most famous of draft-dodgers - Donald Trump. Greatly diminishes LaCivita.

Reflect on the attack on Walz. He did serve for 24 years attaining the rank of a top non-commissioned officer. He retired so that he could run for political office, not to avoid possibly serving in the ill-advised Iraq war.

And, let's dig into the war experience of PD Vance. Yes, he was a Marine. And yes, he served in Iraq. However, to us ground-pounding infantrymen who were out in the pucker brush risking our lives in actual combat, Vance was what we called a REMF (Rear Echelon M***F****er), the people with cushy office jobs with absolutely no combat exposure. He's no hero.

“Never wrestle with a pig – it gets mud all over you and besides the pig likes it.”

This quote, attributed to Mark Twain, Bernard Shaw, and several others, is basic political advice given to candidates running for office who are slandered and insulted by their opponent. It is standard political practice for politicians of no substance to insult and make demeaning comments about their opponents rather than answer substantive questions about their political views and what they would do for the country.

Remember President-elect J. F. Kennedy’s famous exhortation, “Ask not what your country can do for your, rather ask what you can do for your country.” Trump turns that quote on its head, asking only what the country can do for him, and responding with what he would do to the country rather than for the country.

When Marco Rubio, running against Donald Trump in the Republican primaries for the 2016 election was insulted and slandered by Trump, he resorted to similar attacks. But Trump is without peer in insults and lies and Rubio, greatly diminished by his descent into mudslinging, was trounced by the insult master.

So the advice to Kamala Harris, running against Trump for president in the 2024 election, should be to dismiss his insults and lies rather than by responding in kind. In that way, unlike the pig in the quotations, Trump will not get to dictate the nature of debates, (turning them into ad hominem attack sessions rather than responding to questions about how he would serve the interest so the American people) whether on the debate stage, or in comments made on the campaign trail.

When Trump ties to deflect serious questions about what he would do for the country by resorting to insults and lies, candidate Harris should turn the old Reagan retort against him by saying something like, “There you go again, ignoring questions of substance and instead attacking my persona, my gender, my race, and my record of prosecution of criminals. The American public deserves better than that. Enough, already.”

How to Spot and Stop a Despot

After the supine court caved and granted Trump immunity for his criminal actions in the Jan 6 insurrection that he incited, it should be obvious that the courts will not save the country and Democracy from a trump dictatorship if he is elected in 2024.

An article in Political Magazine 07/08/2024 titled ‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’ by Michael Kruse recites the warning by Corey Brettschneider in his book, The Presidents and the People: Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy and the Citizens Who Fought to Defend and states what will happen if trump is elected president. To read the article, click on Criminal.

Brettschneider related how ordinary citizens saved America, Democracy, and the Constitution from the five would-be despots.

It is our turn as ordinary citizens to once again save America and Democracy from trump, a would-be despot.

How? Simply vote in the 2024 election for whoever the Democrats nominate to run against trump, and vote out of office his MAGA politician enablers (all 'republicans') in the House and Senate in the 2024 election at all levels - national, state, and local.

Pain and Empathy

 “I can feel and share your pain,” was the implicit message of Presidents Obama and Biden as they acknowledged and shared the personal grief and pain of persons suffering tragedies, such as parents of children murdered in mass shootings. Empathy.

Contrast that with “You can feel my pain,” voiced in the explicit messages of ex-president Trump who turned empathy on its head, stating that people should feel and share the pain of his own tragedies, such as losing an election, and being indicted (and possibly convicted) of multiple felonies.

It is no small coincidence that in 1925 the then wannabe dictator Hitler wrote about his pain (in Mein Kampf) in prison and the aftermath of WWI wherein Germany suffered economically and emotionally. He formed a bond with Germans suffering from their failed war against democracy, convincing them that they shared his pain. They followed him and were true to him (and suffered with him)  in his disastrously failed war against Democracy in WWII. Narcissism.

Who would swallow Trump’s reverse empathy? The 47% of voters who voted for him in the 2020 election. As an aside, it is worth noting that 50% of a general population has an IQ of 100 or less, collectively being dumber than 50% of the people in the USA.

Supine v. Supreme Court

Until recently, Chief Justice Roberts headed a Supreme Court whose members had sworn this oath: “I do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that … I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...”

Now, however, Roberts presides over a supine court, only too willing to roll over and play dead in the face of existential threats by ex-president Trump to Democracy, the Constitution, our rights, including those of a woman to be in charge of her own health issues and freedom from fear of gun violence. Witness the supine court’s overturning of rulings in Colorado and Maine that would have kept ex-president Trump off the presidential ballot for the 2024 election because he led an insurrection against the government.

This same supine court will attempt to regain some small measure of credibility by agreeing with Jack Smith that ex-president Trump is not eligible for immunity for criminal acts he committed while president. However, the supine court will do exactly as ex-president Trump wishes by not ruling until July 2024, effectively denying Jack Smith sufficient time to bring charges and a trial against ex-president Trump for his actions on January 6, 2021, and allowing him to quash the charges if elected president.

The solution to this dereliction of duty and denial of justice whereby the supine court refuses to live up to its oath to support and defend the Constitution (and democracy) is simple. We the People must step up and become the real Supreme Court by voting to prevent ex-president Trump from winning the 2024 presidential election and to not re-elect his “republican” MAGA cult enablers in the Senate and House of Representatives at federal and state levels.

WE…ARE the Supreme Court

We the people have been led to believe that the last word in legal cases is judgement by the Supreme Court. Judgements by lower courts can be appealed to the Supreme Court. And, Supreme justices swear to this oath: “I do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that … I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...”

Except, apparently, in the pending and active federal and state cases against Donald Trump. The Supreme Court seemingly has been complicit in aiding and abetting Trump’s method for dodging accountability for misdeeds: delay, delay, delay. Individual states’ prohibitions of Trump running for office in Colorado (and probably in Maine) were overturned by Supreme Court justices. Judgment of Trump’s claim of immunity from prosecution for federal cases, including the charge of fomenting the January 6, 2021 insurrection, will be postponed until after or just before the November election, assuring that Trump would quash federal cases if he were elected president.

But the Supreme Court does not have the final say in whether Trump can serve (if elected) as president. We the People do.

How? Very simply. If people concerned about preserving the Constitution and Democracy, the rights of women to make their own health decisions, and freedom from fear of unrestricted gun rights, they must vote in the 2024 election to defeat Trump and (importantly) vote out of office his “republican” (read that MAGA) senator and representative enablers at federal and state levels. That is how to make justice (and freedoms) prevail. We, and not the Supreme Court, get the final say in whether Trump is elected dictator, or is rejected. But only if we vote.

Overruling the (MAGA) Supreme Court

THe MAGA Supreme Court will grant Trump immunity in all cases against him. Actually, by simply delaying judgments against him until after the 2024 election will allow Supreme Court justices to avoid being called out for not defending the Constitution, their sworn duty. So they, like 'Judge' Cannon, will use the delay tactic to allow Trump to try to regain power as a dictator. BUT - the Supreme Court cannot delay the results of an election that denies Trump the presidency. The only way to defeat the delay tactics of the courts is to vote against Trump in the 2024 election and to vote out of office all republicans who now constitute the MAGA party, having left the principled Republican party. Vote or get a dictator who will take away your rights and freedoms (unless you are a white male supremacist).

Modern-day Tories in America

In the time of the Revolutionary War, wherein American patriots fought to replace the dictatorship of King George with democracy, those Americans residing in America who were loyal to England’s dictator King George were labeled “Tories.” Modern day American Tories who proclaim loyalty above all to wanna-be dictator ex-president Trump rather than to Democracy and the Constitution constitute Trump’s loyalist MAGA cult members.

Like our patriot predecessors, we must fight to save Democracy from the Tory-MAGA alliance. Except that unlike our predecessors who risked their lives to preserve democracy, all we have to risk is our vote. Vote or lose democracy and all the rights our patriot ancestors won for us by shedding blood. Vote in the 2024 election against Trump as president and against all republican representatives and senators at state and national levels. If you don't, Trump's Tory-MAGA cult members will vote and restore him to the presidency and to dictatorship.

Why we don't need the Supreme Court to save America from Trump

People seem perplexed that the supreme Court sided with Trump in the lawsuit the state of Colorado bought to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot on the grounds that he led an insurrection to overturn the election of 2020. And why it will save him from prosecution on the grounds of presidential immunity. Trump owns the supreme Court as he nominated 3 of its current justices and has the full support of Alito and Thomas, who like Trump have no interest in supporting all Americans.

How do we save America from a Trump-dictatorship that serves only Trump and White supremacists? Vote. Vote in the 2024 election to keep Trump from office and kick out current republican representatives and senators whose loyalty is only to Trump and not the Constitution which they, along with supreme court justices Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Bennett, and Gorsuch, falsely swore to protect.

Consider this: in the Revolutionary War, American patriots had no supreme court (or any other court for that matter) to overcome the tyranny of King George of England and achieve the freedoms we all enjoy and take for granted. And they did this in spite of present day Tories (Americans who, like their current-day MAGA-Tory wannabes supported dictatorship over democracy). During the American Revolution, supporters of King George opposed the Revolution, preferring dictatorship over democracy. They  were called Tories or Loyalists to King George. Sound familiar? Like how Trump demands loyalty to himself over all and any concerns for the well-being of others. Our patriots achieved and saved democracy by putting their own lives on the line by fighting King George and the English soldiers. All you have to do to save Democracy, the Constitution, and your rights, is to vote. Is that too much to ask?

Why Did Mitch McConnell just endorse Trump for president in the next election?

People seem perplexed that Mitch McConnell just endorsed Trump for a second term, given that he (McConnell) blamed Trump for the January 6 insurrection and attempt to overturn the election. They shouldn't be. All they have to do is remember what McConnell said his primary goal was under newly-elected president Obama in 2008. It wasn't about making America better - it was only to do everything he could do to discredit Obama and make sure he was a one-term president. So, in the 2024 election, McConnell will do anything to defeat President Biden and his progressive agenda (which helps all Americans not just white supremacist men), including supporting the wannabe dictator who made fun of his wife. McConnell is still not interested in helping all Americans to have a better life. Nor is the MAGA party he now supports. All you have to do is vote for anyone besides Trump for president and vote out of office all republican representatives and senators - at state and national levels - in the 2024 election.

Bullies Who Do What Trump Wants and How to Get Rid of Them and the Chief Bully

We are all familiar with the high school bully - the one who picks on weaker people and surrounds himself with weaker bullies who are in his thrall and threaten his victims. When you stand up to them and fight they turn and run. Right now Trump and his team of 'republican' bullies in the house and senate are using fear to defeat Democracy and the Constitution. Those 'republican' politicians who might cross Trump are warned that if they do that they will be attacked by Trump, his political bullies, and his white supremacist bullies. This explains why House 'republicans' and an increasing number of Senate 'republicans' are vowing to defeat the compromise immigration bill initially passed by Democrats and a few 'republicans.' Trump ordered his bully 'republicans' in the House and Senate to defeat the senate bill and defeat it when it comes to the house. This way, Trump can create more chaos over the immigration issue by making sure there is no progress.

How to defeat this unholy alliance of a chief bully and his lesser bullies? Fight them. By voting them all out of office in the 2024 election and by not voting for trump in that election.

Supreme Court Justices will vote to overturn the Colorado and Maine rulings to keep trump off the ballot. Why?

Supreme Court justices, because they are appointed for life did not have to fear crossing a president. Until now. How can trump possibly use fear to make the justices rule in his favor? It is fear. Just like 'republican' politicians fear crossing trump because they will be primaried, kept out of office, and lose all their perks and cushy retirements, the conservative justices (Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Barrette, Kavanaugh, and Roberts) fear losing the perks they and/or their wives get from wealthy trump supporters who reward compliant justices with expensive perks and "consulting fees" for their spouses. And, should any justice vote to keep trump off any ballot, there is the fear of harm to themselves and their families, as well as harassing and threatening emails, from trump's MAGA cult of white supremacists.

The only way to stop the abuses of power and threats to Democracy and the Constitution is to vote out of office all republican representatives and senators and to vote against trump in the 2024 election. In this way, Democrats will retain the presidency and when Mother Nature calls justices Thomas and Alito home, reasonable and unbiased replacement justices can be elevated to SCOTUS, with the salvation of Democracy, the Constitution, and our rights and freedoms.

"I Don't Get Angry, I Get Even"

In their January 24, 2024 article 'I get even': article in ABC news, Lalee Ibssa and Soo Rin Kim wrote, “Trump targets Haley after she pledges to keep fighting him following 2 losses: His campaign was frustrated at her staying in, unlike DeSantis and others.”

Ibssa and Kim note that Trump stated, relative to Haley's staying in the race, that,“I don’t get angry, I get even,” The first part of the sentence is demonstrably untrue - Trump thrives on anger and making his MAGA supporters angry. But the last part of the sentence is the disturbing part. Trump made it clear that a larger part of a second term would be getting even with his detractors including dismantling the judicial system and the Constitution.

Getting “even” with President Biden for defeating him in the 2020 election, and for recent needling, would be accomplished by defeating the bipartisan plan to address the immigration problem, which would deprive President Biden of a well-deserved accomplishment.

Trump has urged republicans to vote against the plan. An aligned objective in urging republicans to sabotage the immigration package (which provides additional military aid to Ukraine) would be for Trump to get even with Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy for refusing to dig up dirt on Biden for the 2020 election. Never mind that such an action would benefit Putin in his attempt to destroy democracy in Ukraine.

As far as dirty tricks go, one wonders who developed the AI pornographic image of Taylor Swift. The MAGA cult knows that a Taylor Swift endorsement of Biden for president could well sink Trump’s bid for re-election. A favorite dirty trick employed by republicans is to plant false information about opponents to discredit them and sow doubt about their views and electability.

To keep this destructive, angry, and anti-democracy wannabe dictator out of office, and to boot his enabling 'republicans' from the House and Senate, they must be voted against and out of office in the 2024 general election

Fear and the loss of Democracy

In her January 11, 2024 USA Today Op-Ed, Frida Ghitis explains why republicans will do whatever Trump wants, including destroying rule by law, Democracy, the constitution, and your freedoms. Fear. To read the Op-Ed and learn the ramifications of a second Trump presidency, click on Fear.

Just the other day Trump warned Supreme Court justices that if they did not do as he orders (overturn Colorado supreme court decision to remove him from the 2024 Colorado election ballot because he led an insurrection to overthrow the government) he would call on his white supremacy storm troopers to create chaos and bedlam. Basically do as he orders or he would unleash his white supremacy storm troopers - a direct threat to SCOTUS. This bully must never be allowed to rule America. Maureen Groppe details this naked threat in her USA Today op-ed. To read the story, click on Trump Threatens Supreme Court. Yet another reason to vote against Trump and his enabling 'republican' politicians (ALL of them at local, state, and national elections in 2024).

The supreme court: Descent from complicit to irrelevant

It seems likely with the supreme court packed by Trump with complicit jurors Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett and the rubber-stamping of Thomas and Alito, will refuse to overturn Colorado's banning of Trump from running for office and allow him to use executive privilege to escape accountability for the January 6, 2021 insurrection and attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

If there was any doubt about Trump's supreme court picks to support him, the mafia don, over the Constitution and Democracy, his lawyer, Alina Habbab dispelled those doubts by stating, "It should be a slam dunk in the Supreme Court. I have faith in them. people like Kavanagh, who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place, he’ll step up.”

It goes without saying that if SCOTUS justices somehow find backbones and deny trump's request to be put back on ballot in Colorado that those justices voting to deny trump his wish will receive death threats from his white supremacist followers. Will the Justices show courage as judges in lower court cases against trump have? Personally, with the exception of Justices Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayor, I doubt it.

What these complicit supreme court justices have set themselves up for is irrelevancy, as another Trump term as president will seek to usurp their powers (he wants vengeance for the court's many refusals to overturn election results of 2020). In a future Trump presidency the supreme court will have lost all credibility as it finds for trump for anything he wants and becomes simply irrelevant to the cause of justice and liberty for all.

How to prevent this from happening? Show up and vote in the 2024 election to vote for Biden rather than trump, and to vote out of office all complicit politicians running as 'republicans' for house and senate positions at state and national levels.

It's Up to US to Save America

With the Supreme Court Justices refusing to hear the Trump immunity claim, which was brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith, it should be clear the the Supreme Court Justices, along with District Judge Aileen Cannon, will do nothing to protect the Constitution, Democracy, and our rights from the depredations of another Trump presidency, instead granting Trump delay upon delay so he can escape accountability before the 2024 election. The only way to save Democracy, the Constitution, and our rights to health care for women, and protection from gun nuts sporting assault weapons is to vote against Trump in the 2024 election and to vote all 'republican' candidates at national, state, and local levels, including local election boards, out of office.

MAGA Mike Johnson, House Speaker

Trump, following Mike Johnson's speaker victory in the House, boasted "MAGA MIKE JOHNSON" on social media. If the moniker is apt, Johnson will do only as Trump dictates, which would include impeaching President Biden, weakening the FBI, attacking the Constitution, and kowtowing to White supremacy racist, bigoted, and misogynist demands. Time will soon tell, but it looks like Trump has created another reason for persons not in his MAGA cult to vote in the 2024 election to evict all republicans, house and senate, at national and state levels.

"Biden is too old, I can't vote for Trump - guess I won't vote"

I hear people say this and I am afraid. Persons who don't want Trump and MAGA to rule their lives but don't vote for the Democratic candidates for office will actually be voting for Trump and MAGA because Trump and MAGA will need fewer votes to overcome to win. Fail to vote out republicans, and failure to vote for a Democratic alternative for president is a passive way to support MAGA and Trump and destroy democracy, the constitution, and our freedoms. These uninterested non-voters owe the country their vote to save America from a dictatorship. Not much to ask of a person to vote to keep the rights and freedoms our ancestors shed blood and died for to obtain for us.

Jim Jordan: A Bully's Bully

Jim Jordan's quest to succeed ousted Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House has been pushed back on by other Republicans (twice, so far!) in the House who recognize Jordan for what he is - a bully with no experience in, or desire to, push legislation helpful to Americans. Rather, he would be Trump's pitbull bully to mainly push for punishing politicians not supportive of Trump and MAGA, pushng 'retribution', and chaos as a way to pave the way for Trump to be re-elected.

Read Julian Zelizer's October 19, 2023 CNN op-ed wherein he describes Jordan's failure to be elected as related to saner members of the republican party rejecting what he stands for, emphasizing and including intimidation, bullying and political pressure. He included reference to death and other threats to republicans voting to reject Jordan's bid to become the next Speaker. To read Zelizer's op-ed click on Zelizer op-ed.

Stopping a Trump Dictatorship

Donald Trump, the out-of-office but unofficial leader of the "republican" party, has made several dictates to his MAGA cult (aka republican party) politicians: vote to impeach President Biden or get primaried; ignore the Constitution; vote out speaker McCarthy; shut down the government; and elect Jim Jordan as next speaker of the house. He won on ousting ex-speaker McCarthy - if he wins on the other dictates be prepared for chaos, a government shut-down, and governance by toadies who act only on Trump's whims/dictates. To prevent this scenario, which would result in the destruction of Democracy, the Constitution, and your freedoms (unless you are a White supremacist) you must vote out of office all "republicans" at state and national levels and not vote for Trump for president in the 2024 election.

Your future under Democrats or what used to be Republicans. You can decide how you’d like to live by voting in the 2024 election

Rex Huppke, writing for USA Today, makes the following contrast between governors and politicians in Democratic states and states dominated by what used to be the Republican party:

You have one side (what used to be Republican) sharply restricting abortion access and voting rights, expanding gun access and denouncing diversity, equity and inclusion vs. another side (Democrat) expanding abortion access and voting rights, tightening gun control and embracing diversity while expanding the legal rights of marginalized groups.

How you vote in the 2024 election will determine whether you live under fear or with freedoms. Trump and the used-to-be Republicans in his MAGA cult will give you fear and repression. Is that how you want to live?

   The Biff-Trump Bully

Hated movie bullies include Scut Farkus, the kid with the raccoon hat in A Christmas Story who bullied Ralphie, a much smaller kid, until Ralphie broke, attacked him, and beat the tar out of him.  

Possibly the most hated bully is Biff Tannen in the Back to the Future movie series, wherein he is consistently out-smarted and outfought by a much smaller antangonist Marty McFly. He always ends up being covered in horse manure after being outmaneuvered by McFly.  

Trump is the political version of Biff the Bully, with his threats of intimidation and personal injury to those who oppose him. And, like the movie bully Biff, he gets outsmarrted by his trimmer opponents, like Joe Biden. To end this bully's threats to opponents, jury pools, the Constitution, and Democracy, the Biff-Trump bully must be convicted in his many criminal indictments and at the polls if he somehow escapes culability and is able to run for president. Anyone not a MAGA cult member must vote in the 2024 election to defeat Trump the Biff-bully and his bullied 'republican' politicians who are so afraid of him that their allegiance is to him rather than to all of us, the Constitution, and Democracy. We must beat the tar out of all of them in the 2024 election by voting them out of office and covering them with ordure. In ALL local, state, and national elections.         

Will Supreme Court Justices

Defend or Destroy the Constitution?

Supreme Court justices, upon their swearing in, must repeat this oath:

"I, (Justice's name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

It is very likely Trump, in the case of United States of America v. Donald J. Trump, will appeal any court decisions that find him guilty of spreading lies and engaging in a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election (in the January 6 2021 attempt to to overturn the results of the 2020 election), the government and the Constitution to the Supreme Court in hopes that the justices he appointed (Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch) will align with Alito and Thomas and choose to defend Trump's MAGA cult co-conspirators (as well as Trump himself) rather than the Constitution which they claimed they would support and defend. Ditto for Trump and the indicted 19 co-conspirators in the case of election interference brought against Trump in Georgia by Fani Willis. Will Trump's extracting of a quid pro quo with Judge Cannon wherein she has caused numerous delays in the documents case in exchange for being appointed to her judgeship be repeated with Supreme Court justices he appointed? Will they rule for Trump and his defendants in decisions that would weaken the Constitution? If their overthrow of Roe V. Wade is any indication, woe betide the Constitution, Democracy, and our freedoms.

Only in America

...would people in a cult keep sending money to their cult leader every time he is indicted for criminal behavior (four times to be exact for ex-president Trump) to pay for his 'legal expenses.' Are they so stupid they don't realize Trump uses indictments to successfully urge his MAGA morons to send him more and more money? One can only imagine how much money he will convince cult members to send his way while he is in jail.

The word moron means lacking good sense. Seems an apt description for persons who shower money on a person facing criminal trials and likely hard time in the jug for failed attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and Democracy. But these are the people who, because of their sheer numbers, will elect him president in 2024 unless people not in the white supremacist MAGA cult of Trump vote against him and his republican enablers at state and national levels. If you don't want the country run by a moron, for morons, who will destroy your freedoms, you must vote in the 2024 election and make sure all your friends and family do too.

            Be Afaid - be Very Afraid

If Donald Trump somehow gets elected president in the 2024 election, all Americans, except White supremacists will lose their freedoms. He says he will do away with the DOJ, FBI and the Constitution as part of an overall "consolidation of power in a single leader...resulting in strict government--imposed constraints on social freedoms such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity." (from an article by Austin Sarat and Denis Aftergut in USA Today, July 20, 2023 on exactly what he would do - click on be afraid to read the article).

People who tend to be satisfied, or feel better about their situation tend not to vote. People who are inspired to anger by Trump (MAGA cult members, at least 74 million strong) will all vote. Things are getting better in America. But to save Democracy, the Constitution and your rights, all Americans not in the MAGA cult of Trump must vote in the 2024 election or lose their freedoms. Because almost all republican politicians at state and national level are enablers of the MAGA cult, you must vote all of them out of office in 2024.

    Aileen Cannon, Supreme Court Justice?

Donald Trump is famous for his transactional approach (do this for me, I’ll do this for you i.e., quid pro quo) to everything. He appointed Aileen Cannon as federal judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, expecting as a Mafiosi don to collect on his favor. And Cannon acquiesced by appointing a special master in the documents case, effectively delaying the case from proceeding in a timely manner in “an unprecedented intervention by a federal district judge into the middle of an ongoing federal criminal and national security investigation,” (Stephen I. Vladeck, law professor, University of Texas). The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed Cannon's decision because she exercised improper influence over the case. But she did what Trump wanted, delaying the case from proceeding in a timely manner.

For Cannon's next quid pro quo, she has ruled to delay Trump’s trial until May 2024. But she can wait to see how primary elections go, and if Trump is the leading republican candidate she can grant his lawyers sufficient delays to push the trial date beyond the 2024 election, counting on his winning the republican nomination and the general election, pardoning himself, and rewarding her by nominating her for any vacancies in the Supreme Court (such as Justices Thomas and Alito under scrutiny for ethical lapses). Such is business in Trump world.

Fortunately for Democracy, the Constitution, the American public, and democracies around the world, Jack Smith likely will get a judge not in Trump's pocket for the indictment and trial of Trump's interference and incitement of insurgency in the 2020 election. Ditto Fani Willis' indictment and trial for election interference in Georgia. These two prosecutors, and judges not in Trump's pocket, will allow trials to proceed well before the repeatedly delayed trial overseen by Aileen Cannon and before the 2024 election. Hopefully these trials will result in the conviction and imprisonment of Trump. In the event he is elected president from jail, he will be unable to overturn a conviction in the Georgia election interference trial by pardoning himself and will be unable to serve as president while incarcerated. Even if another republican should win the republican primary and general election, he/she will not be able to overturn a state conviction such as will occur in Georgia and Trump will remain in jail from whence he will be prevented from destroying Democracy.

The Gift to Trump, Putin, and the Destruction of Democracy by a No Labels Candidacy in the 2024 Election

The “centrist” political organization No Labels wants to nominate a third-party candidate for president based on its naive belief that there is “broad voter appetite for a candidate running in the political middle.” The group assumes that equal numbers of Trump voters and Biden voters would switch and vote for a third party candidate who is not too old to run the country (Biden) or too dangerous to run the country (Trump). There are two problems with this simplistic belief.

1). Trump voters belong to his MAGA cult and will vote for him regardless of his criminal and illegal actions. As cult members, they will only believe what he tells them, including his claim that the current investigations into his criminal and treasonous actions are nothing more than unfounded witch hunts. Trump’s claim that his “people” would vote for him even if he shot someone dead in the middle of New York City is bolstered by his supporters saying they would vote for him if indicted, convicted, and sent to jail. So, a third party candidate would not siphon off any Trump votes, but likely would siphon off enough Biden votes to give the presidency and congress to Trump.

2). The No Labels platform will not nominate any other candidates for senate or representative candidates (at state and national levels) with even the ghost of a chance of being elected. In the 2024 election, if enough voters are convinced to switch their votes from democratic to the No Labels candidates, likely there will be enough democratic down ticket voters who will not vote, handing Trump majorities in state and federal Senate and Representatives.

The end result of the candidacy of a third No Labels party politicians will be to hand over the power of the  presidency to Trump who has said if re-elected he would destroy the FBI and DOJ. Putin would benefit as Trump would withdraw U.S. support for Ukraine and NATO, handing Ukraine over to Putin. This would be the death knell for democracy in Ukraine, as well as in the U.S. with the elimination of federal oversight of a dictatorial president Trump. Is the No Labels movement not aware of this reality?

To prevent this disastrous scenario for the U.S.A. and the free world, you must vote in the 2024 general election and vote for whoever is the democratic candidate for president and down ticket for all Democratic Party candidates. Do not vote for any third-party No Labels candidates.

MAGA-Trump cult members drink and promote the Woke Kool-aide

The word Woke has different meanings for different groups, according to Ingrid Jacques of USAToday (to read her article, click on Woke). Initially the term was used by the Black community to encourage awareness about racism and discrimination. After the shooting of the Black man Michael Brown in 2014, the word was used by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists who wanted to raise awareness about police shootings of African Americans in the US. It has since been used by the Trump-MAGA cult as a catch-all term to discredit left wing ideologies  and academic movements like critical race theory, and now is being used as an anti-democracy catchphrase to blame Democrats for any and all problems beseiging America (e.g., as in Republicans blaming wokeness on the collapse of SVG bank). Hence, DeSantis has made this an anti-Democracy term proclaiming Florida as the ..."state where Woke goes to die." Actually, under his guidance, Florida has become the state where Democracy goes to die.

The bottom line for the Woke meme adoption by the unholy MAGA/Trump/Fox News alliance is to discredit any ideas other than those of the election-fraud White supremacy toxic foundation of misogyny, racism, bigotry, bullying, anti-semetism, homophobia instead of addressing real problems by advancing substative ideas on matters important to the Unites States and Democracy. They want you to drink the Woke Kool-aide they avidly guzzle.

Ron DeSantis will NOT be the nominated republican candidate after the 2024 republican primary

Ron DeSantis is aware of the immunity of cult leaders to replacement. He assumes his path to nomination will be through his appeal to the Tea Party/Club for Growth adherents who explicitly support cutting  tax rates, repealing the estate tax, supporting limited government, a balanced budget amendment, entitlement reform (including reforms of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid), free trade, tort reform, school of choice, and deregulation and only implicitly support MAGA underpinnings (misogyny, bigotry, racism, White supremacy, anti-science, election-denial ism, restricting freedom of the press and education policy) without the baggage that Trump carries.

DeSantis must be aware of the 62% of CPAC attendees who said Trump should be the MAGA candidate and not him (he only got 20% of the straw vote at the recent CPAC meeting). The only way that change in cult leaders occurs is if the current leader dies, or is exported, or ends up in jail forever. None of those conditions seem likely for Trump, at least not before the 2024 primary season, and there are far more MAGA voters that Club for Growth/Tea Party voters. So, DeSantis' only hope is to appeal to true conservative voters explicitly and nod and wink to MAGA voters, hoping to siphon off some of their support for Trump. Not likely.

The Ron & Don fear show

Trump recently stated that he was running in 2024 for president because he was still angry - appealing to white supremacists who are angry because Trump continues to stoke their fears of a take-over of their (bigoted) way of life by non-white males and females. Fear and lies. Desantis refuses to say whether he will run against Trump in "republican" primaries in the run-up to the 2024 election. He is afraid to take on a Democracy-destroying tyrant in his own party. Can anyone doubt that Desantis, if elected, would refuse to stand up to Putin - a far more dangerous tyrant than Trump. America (and the free world) does not need another enabling sycophant (like Trump) of Putin as this dictator plots to destroy democracy in Europe and (through a weak American president) America. If either of these wannabe dictators is the "republican" (read MAGA) party nominee in the 2024 election they must be defeated in the election to preserve democracy. Save us all by voting against these anti-democracy weak men.

The Mirror Test

Nicole Hemmer, CNN analyst, described in her writing on December 23, 2022, the mirror test Americans must pass if they want to preserve Democracy and our freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution. Her analysis:

“In her newly released testimony before the 6/1 committee, Cassidy Hutchinson reflected on her journey to becoming one of the star witnesses of the hearing. Her first two depositions had been an exercise in evasion, as she followed her lawyer’s instructions to claim she could not recall in response to most of the committee’s questions. The problem for Hutchinson was that she could recall: She had clear memories of much of the planning leading up to the insurrection, and detailed recollections of the events that unfolded that day.

“Which led to a crisis when she realized that, in a character-defining moment, she had failed what she called the “mirror test” — the ability to look in the mirror and be proud of who she was. “I was disappointed in myself,” she told the committee. “I was frustrated with myself. To be blunt, I was kind of disgusted with myself. I became somebody I never thought that I would become.”

“For Hutchinson, that moment led her to reach back out to the committee and offer the detailed, shocking testimony that she shared in public hearings this summer. For the rest of us, it offers a guide. The January 6 committee report provides a detailed account of an intentional, carefully planned attack on democratic governance, an account that creates an obligation for Americans who want that form of government to continue — a mirror test for 330 million people and the government agencies that serve them.”

So far, the 40+ million people who voted for Trump in the 2022 election, and the many “republican” representatives and senators at both state and federal levels who supported, and continue to support the Trump-alleged voter fraud and stolen election lies, have all failed the mirror test.

Because they are members of the cult of Trump, and have been conditioned to continue to believe and support his lies rather than the facts laid out by the 6/1 committee, for them, the only thing they see in the mirror is Donald Trump. To continue to save America, those of us not in the cult of Trump need to look in that mirror daily and resolve to vote out of office the supporters of Trump in all future elections, beginning with 2024.

You know…morons

When Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed a joint session of Congress December 21 thanking us for our help and asking for continued support he was given standing applause except for republican representatives Matt Gaetz of Florida, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Diana Harshberger of Tennessee, Warren Davidson of Ohio, and Michael Cloud of Texas. Republican senators Paul and Massie of Kentucky, Hawley of Missouri, and Lee of Utah chose not to attend (as did 113 of 213 other republican representatives). Zenenskyy and Ukraine are fighting the good and just fight for Democracy against Russia.

Why did so many republican representatives and senators choose to turn their backs on Zelenskyy and Democracy?

Gene Wilder said it best in the movie Blazing Saddles when the black sheriff (played by actor Cleavon Little) complained that even though he was sheriff the townspeople were racist to him. Wilder reminded him that, “You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons."

This title applies to all MAGA cult members who claim the 2022 election was stolen and parrot the lies of their cult leader Donald Trump. Tellingly, many of Trump’s former cabinet members made these observations: Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State said that Trump was a moron. National Security advisor H. R. McMaster said Trump was a dope. Chief of Staff General Kelly, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and Republican party chief Priebus all said trump was an idiot. Defense Secretary “Mad  Dog” Mattis said that Trump had the understanding level of a 5th or 6th grader.

These characterizations properly identify Trump for what he is: a moron. His MAGA cult should stand for Morons Against Goodness and Accountability rather than make America great again (but only for that minority slice of Americans who are White male supremacists).

It should be noted that there are two classes of MAGA morons. There are bona-fide actual morons - you know, the ones captured by the cult of Trump who actually believe what he says and really do believe the 2020 election was stolen. These are the ones featured in TV snippets who, when asked if the election was stolen, emphatically parrot Trump's lies. If you count the number of people who voted for Trump in the 2020 election you come to the frightening realization that there are about 40 million MAGA morons in America who accept Trump lies and will continue to vote for him and his supporters.

The other class of MAGA moron, and infinitely more dangerous, is that of political MAGA morons. You know, the politicians who actually understood that the 2020 election was not stolen but continue to support Trump and his lies out of fear of losing the votes of his supporters in future elections. These dangerous politicians will develop and vote for whatever bogus legislation they can come up with to promote the White supremacist agenda of Trump that includes racism, misogyny, bigotry, greed, bullying, and stealing of elections clearly lost by politicians in thrall to Trump (e.g., at least 70% of current and recently-elected "republicans)."

If Americans truly want America to become great again (and President Biden is making great strides in that direction) they must vote out of office in 2024 the political MAGA morons identified above. And Attorney General Garland must indict, convict, and send Donald Trump to jail, just as he has done with the ringleaders of Oath Keepers, and is in the process of doing to the ringleaders of Proud Boys.

The Reincarnation of MAGA Trumpism

Many of Trump's surrogates he promoted for election in the 2022 mid-terms thankfully were not elected. Seemingly the "republican" party may be pondering whether to dethrone Trump as de facto leader. However and unfortunately, Trump's lies and efforts at destroying democracy are now being parroted by wannabe MAGA destroyers of Democracy such as Ron Desantis and Marjorie Taylor Greene who have adopted Trump's penchant for lies and promotion of violence against protectors of democracy, including restricting of voting by anyone not a white male supporter of MAGA lies (note: Marjorie Taylor Greene may biologically be a woman but her actions are definitely misogynistic). Greene even went so far as to say that if she and Steve Bannon had been in charge of the 6/1 insurrection they would have won because the riotiers would have been armed. This demented anti-democratic person should be removed from public office.

When Trump said the Constitution should be suspended very few Republicans in the House or Senate said he was wrong. Most, including Mitch McConnel and Kevin McCarthy, deflected questions and did not directly condemn Trump's attack on the Constitution.

These existential threats to Democracy and our freedoms must never be elected/re-elected to positions of power from whence they can promote MAGA attacks. To see who these MAGA democracy destroyers are, check out Destroyers who are identified at the end of the book, The Art of Saving America: Exorcising Fear, Lies, and the Cult of Trump. Keep that list handy and use it to vote out of office Republican enablers of Trump in the 2024 general election.

Vote or Get Hammered

The hammer attack on Representative Pelosi's husband by a Trump adherent, and the resulting responses of republicans (making fun of it rather than condemning it) is an example of what will happen if Trump is re-elected (his followers will attack and attempt to kill anyone daring to be against him). This is what will happen if republicans to take the house and Senate in the election on November 8, 2022 and pave the way for republican-installed state governments to overturn elections if republicans lose elections. If you do not vote out republicans for all offices at state and federal levels, you, like Paul Pelosi, will have your freedoms hammered. Vote on November 8 or lose Democracy and your freedoms.

Kevin McCarthy & Republicans’ Quid pro Quo with Putin

California Representative Kevin McCarthy was joined by republicans up for election in the 2022 when they issued a veiled quid pro quo with Putin by stating that if Republicans take the House of Representatives after the 2022 election, they will “cut the aid to Ukraine.”  This was a direct request of Putin to interfere in the 2022 elections to hand the Republicans control of the House of Representatives, after which McCarthy and the republicans would hand Democracy and Ukraine over to Putin on a golden platter. But more than the defeat of democracy in Ukraine is at risk if republicans regain control of the house.  Democracy in America will be imperiled as republicans will attempt to change voting accessibility and election outcomes, as well as the rights of women and people of color. To save Democracy in American and Ukraine, as well as rights our forefathers shed blood to gain for us all, republicans at state and national levels must be rejected by your vote. You must vote in the 2022 election to save Democracy and human rights in Ukraine and America.

Make America Great Again (but only for white male supremacists)

The 2022 general election will either destroy or save Democracy - your vote will decide which it is. We see that Trump-appointed judges place their allegiance to him rather than to Democracy and the Constitution - even though they take a pledge to defend the Constitution. Witness the feckless circuit judge Cannon who is doing everything in her power to prevent the DOJ from investigating whether Trump endangered America's security by stealing documents and transporting them to Mar-A-Lago after he left the White House. Witness how Trump's supreme court justices (Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavenaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett) lied when asked prior to their confirmations whether they would leave Roe v. Wade alone, only to dismantle it along with justices Thomas and Alito when they had the chance. The supreme court is now set to hear arguments raised by republican legislators that would allow states to: overturn elections by republican-controlled state legislatures if republicans candidates lost; roll back LBGTQ rights; enable continuance of gerrymandering which diminishes the impact of voting by people of color, further erode women's rights to control their own health and reproductive issues, and ease protections for the environment.

If you want to see America go back to the 50's when the rights of women and people of color were limited, when protection of the environment was unheard of don't bother to vote - the white supremacists who will vote will take away the protections from you and the environment. If you want to restore and protect the rights of all Americans and the environment, vote in the 2022 election to vote out of office all republican candidates at state and federal levels. These are the individuals who enact laws limiting and/or taking away your freedoms and who have their actions protected by a supreme court that pledges its allegiance to Trump rather than to the Constitution and you.

Save America from Trump and the misogynist White supremacists (including most "republicans" at state and Federal levels and including governors). by voting them out of office this fall. Click on and read the article in CNN by Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner for proof.

Destroying Democracy and delaying Justice

The Trump-appointed judge who ruled that a special master be appointed to evaluate whether documents kept by Trump and taken by the FBI must be returned perfectly describes how this judge in thrall to Trump will delay the DOJ investigation into Trump wrongdoing until after the November 2022 election - in effect perfecting the delaying tactics Trump used all his life to escape accountability and judgment for his wrongdoings. But in this case, the delaying tactics may well lead to the end of Democracy and personal freedoms in America. All voters not MAGA republicans must vote to turn out enabling republican senators and representatives at state and federal levels to prevent them from protecting Trump from accountability and justice. Only by voting out of office these enabling politicians in the cult of Trump can we elect senators and representatives whose allegiance is to Democracy and the Constitution rather than only to Trump. You must vote in the 2022 election to save American from dictatorship and White supremacy.

What cult members do: support, protect, lie for, and listen only to their cult leader, Donald Trump.

If you ever doubted the existence, pervasiveness, and total subservience of Trump's cult members to do his bidding, consider:

1. Senator Graham of South Carolina warned that if his leader, Donald Trump, was ever prosecuted for crimes related to his illegal retention of classified documents that there would be riots in the streets, implicitly calling for White supremacists to repeat the violence of January 6, 2021.

2. Majorities of republican representatives and senators refused to impeach or convict and remove Trump from office after his role in inciting the riot and attempt to overturn the election on January 1, 2021.

3. Calls by republican senators and representatives to defund and commit violence against the FBI for its role in investigating Trump's illegal retention of classified documents and denial of their existence after turning over less than half of what he had illegally kept, forcing the FBI to obtain a warrant to search and recover documents endangering the security of the US.

These political enablers (republicans all) must be voted out of office in the 2022 elections to preserve democracy and our freedoms. To see who to vote of office, click on vote out the enablers.

You CAN save America by voting. The law making it illegal for women to get an abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, in Kansas was unpopular in the state - 70+% didn't want it. But the majority republican party in Kansas passed it. When the measure was put to a vote by Kansas citizens, they defeated the law by over 60%. The will of the people CAN override unpopular laws passed by republicans who only represent white supremacist views and domination over women. But you must vote to defeat such bills, and you must vote out of office republicans who will continue to pass laws that will hurt you but benefit White supremacist men.

THe same goes for assault weapons. In the first half of 2022 there were over 440 mass killings by guns in America and the majority were by assault guns. A large majority of Americans want to make possession of such weapons illegal. But a minority of republican Senators and state representatives can prevent such bills from passing. The solution is to vote out of office republicans who will not pass laws banning assault weapons, and vote into office Democrats who will pass legislation to protect us from these weapons mean only to kill other humans.

What Trump did to Destroy Democracy on January 6, 2021 - why you must vote out of office ”Republican” enablers who will change election laws after 2022 election so Trump can be re-elected with a minority of the vote if they are not voted out of office. Read the story by Frida Ghitis of CNN by clicking on Destroyer of Democracy

Vote out the Monsters Who Will Take Away Your Rights and Freedoms

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, removing women's right to an abortion, even if she was raped by a relative, the monster "Republicans" in the cult of Trump want to make life even more difficult for women, attempting to make it illegal for women to travel to a different state to obtain an abortion. These monsters are trying to take away our rights.

The 10-year old who was raped in Ohio had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion rather that being forced to carry the child of a rapist, when she was barely a child herself. Certain "Republicans" in the cult of Trump, including Jim Jordan and Christi Noem, Governor of South Dakota attacked her, saying the story was made up, further terrorizing this 10-year old child. When the actual rapist was arrested and the girl's story confirmed, the monsters refused to apologize to the child whose life they had just ruined.

Other monsters in the "Republican" party who want to ban abortions, even for women who are raped, include Marco Rubio of Florida. Unless these monsters are voted out of office, they will continue to erode our freedoms and rights. Only by voting them out of office in the 2022 election can you save Democracy and our rights and freedoms. If you do not vote them out of office you will be aiding the effort to overturn Democracy in America.

And don't forget Florida representative Matt Gaetz, the accused trafficker of underage girls. He was one of a small handful of republicans (19) who voted against the bill targeting human trafficking. Apparently, this monster didn't want a law passed that makes it illegal for his alleged predation on underage girls. This monster must not remain in office - he must be voted out to protect young girls.

Getting Rid of Assault Weapons

How to save our children from assault weapons? Ban them. Click on this link (Ban Assault Weapons) to read essential information by Merdie Nzanga, USA Today, on a ban proposed by House Democrats. And remember that when Joe Biden was a senator, he was among those senators who successfully banned these weapons that are killing our children.

Multiple persons have reminded us that assault weapons have one purpose - to kill humans. They are not effective hunting rifles (unless one wants a deer carcass filled with metal fragments). Democrats in the House will introduce a bill to ban assault weapons. Representatives voting for the ban want to save our children. Politicians voting against the bill are afraid of the NRA, Trump, and White supremacists - their loyalty is to this unholy trinity rather than to our children (and all the rest of us as well!). If you want to see who to vote out of office this November, learn who in the House of Representatives and Senate (if a bill advances to the Senate) voted against the bill. These politicians, including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Jim Jordan must go if we want to save our children from senseless slaughter.

How plot to overturn election by Donald Trump unfolded: a peek into the window of the future if Republicans gain the House and Senate back in 2022 election and pave way for Trump to steal election in 2024. This is what happens under a dictatorship and provides the reason to vote in the 2022 election to vote out all "Republican" senators and representatives at state and federal levels if you don't want to lose Democracy and your freedoms as guaranteed in the Constitution. To read the timeline, click on Timeline.

A 4th of July weekend of mass killings - almost every day now more innocent children, women, men and people of color are massacred by people who generally legally obtained assault rifles. Mitch McConnell, senate minority leader and a Republican, said, in the aftermath of these killings of children and adults, that there will not be any changes to gun laws to make it safer to be on the streets, in the store, or in church.

The time to march, demonstrate, weep, and bury our dead is over. To save innocent lives, gun legislation to protect us must be passed. It will not be passed with people like Mitch McConnell and Republicans in state and federal houses of representatives and senates in power. Your last chance to save our children and our freedoms is to vote in the 2022 election this November to vote out of office people who claim to be Republicans who claim to represent you but in reality only do the bidding of Trump and White supremacists.

Putin, Trump, and the NRA - perfect storm against Democracy

Putin’s ruthless war against civilians and Ukrainian society and infrastructure serves as an example of what dictators with no empathy can do to people and society. Trump, ever the ardent supporter of Putin and other dictators, demonstrates his total lack of empathy by attending the NRA convention on the heels of the mass shooting of children in Uvalde, Texas. This unholy alliance of three destructive cults - the cult of Putin, the cult of Trump, and the cult of the NRA represent what will happen to Democracy and freedoms in America if these cults are not defeated.

We must understand that Republican senators and representatives at state and federal levels no longer represent conservative values but only support the destructive repressions of the cults of Trump and the NRA. These politicians will never put your freedoms and safety before their attempts to retain power through the support of White supremacists. And they will not be convinced to free us from the gun cult of the NRA - even if they are themselves victims of a mass shooting such as representative Scalise of Louisiana. He was wounded grievously by a man with an assault rifle, but that did not change his support of gun rights and the NRA.

The only way to free us from the cults of Trump and the NRA and prevent a takeover of Democracy as Putin is doing in Ukraine is to vote out of office all politicians who call themselves Republicans with the very few exceptions such as Liz Cheney of Wyoming. To see who to vote out of office, click on who to vote out of office.

The people of Ukraine are fighting for Democracy by putting their very lives on the line by fighting. Is it too much of ask of Americans to save Democracy and their freedoms to vote out of office Republicans who are subservient to the cults of Trump and the NRA and vote into office Democrats who will fight to protect the safety and rights of all citizens, including women, people of color and people of different religious persuasions?

Putin, Trump, and quid pro quo

When Donald Trump was running for president in 2016 he publicly asked Putin for help. The Mueller report reveled that Russian interference swung the election for Trump. What was Trump's quid pro quo? Sowing dissent among NATO nations and attempting to weaken and divide NATO. Putin thought that Trump had sufficiently weakened NATO that he, Putin, could invade Ukraine and a toothless NATO would only watch helplessly and do nothing. Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 enabled him to weaken NATO. They laid the groundwork for the Russian invasion of Ukraine and wanton killing of innocent civilians and share the responsibly for this genocide and attempt to bomb a nation into oblivion.

These same voters will vote for Republican congress people at state and national levels in 2022 - if they succeed in achieving a republican majority in both houses of congress they will help destroy Democracy in America. You must overcome their votes by voting republicans out of office in 2022 so they cannot twist the laws and result in Trump being re-elected in 2024.

At a recent rally ex-president Trump was again asking his old friend Putin for a favor - to provide evidence that the election was stolen from him. One can only guess what quid pro quo Putin will ask for this time - undoubtedly some act that will further weaken Democracy in the US and other countries.

Ukrainians fight for Democracy, Republican senators and representatives fight to destroy it.

In a March 27, 2022 article in CNN, John Bridgeland compares Ukrainians fighting to save Democracy and Republican senators and representatives fighting to destroy it by refusing to impeach then-president Trump after he incited the insurrection to overturn the 2020 election. Bridgeland identified the handful of Republican senators and representatives who voted to impeach the ex-president. To read Bridgeland's article click on Bridgeland.

Senators up for re-election in 2022 and who refused to remove Trump from office were Rubio of Florida, Caputo of West Virginia, Johnson of Wisconsin, Lee of Utah, Barasso of Wyoming, Braun of Indiana, Marshall of Kansas, Kennedy of Louisiana, Hoeven of North Dakota, Lankford of Oklahoma, Boozeman of Arkansas, Crapo of Idaho, Young of Indiana, Thune of South Dakota, and Hagerty of Tennessee. These enemies of Democracy need to be voted out of office in 2022.

Republican Reps. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, Liz Cheney of Wyoming, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, John Katko of New York, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Peter Meijer of Michigan, Dan Newhouse of Washington, Tom Rice of South Carolina, Fred Upton of Michigan  and David Valadao of California voted to impeach the ex-president. Katko, Kinsinger, and Gonzalesis are not running for re-election in 2022, leaving only Beutler, Cheney, Meijer, Newhouse, Rice, Upton, and Valdano who voted to impeach the ex-presedent. All other Republican representatives up for re-election are enemies of Democracy and must be voted out of office in 2022.

Why Florida Governor Ron Desantis is a dangerous Trump wannabe and why he must be voted out of office in 2022

In a March 8, 2022 CNN article Travis Caldwell relates how Florida Governor Ron Desantis wants to ban kids from being vaccinated against COVID. This action plays into the desires of white supremacists in Florida-if Desantis is not voted out of office in the Gubernatorial election of 2022 Floridians will be well on the way to a government controlled by white supremacists. Floridians must vote Desantis out of office in 2022. To read Caldwell's article click on Desantis wants to kill your kids.

Trump as Putin's yes-man oligarch: a preview of what's to come if you don't vote

Charlie Dent, former Republican house representative, exposed Trump's fawning response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, calling him out for saying Putin's moves were pure genius and wonderful. A new definition of wonderful, according to Trump, is to bomb and destroy towns and homes and kill innocent women, children, and men. Dent said the only way to save democracy was to vote out Republican 'morons' in the senate and house of representatives who support Trump and Putin. To read Dent's article , click on Vote out the Morons.

Trump is on Putin's Side

John Harwood in a CNN, March 6, 2022 article, details how Trump has sided with Putin in the attempt to destroy Democracy in Ukraine. He includes comments by Trump's former vice president that Republicans should not side with Putin. To read his article, click on Trump sides with Putin. Trump's hold on his base is so strong that what used to be the Republican party (which is now the cult of Trump) at state and country levels will continue to make it harder for anyone not a white supremacist to vote. To save Democracy, we must vote out of office these unpatriotic cult of Trump politicians.

If you don't vote in 2022, kiss Democracy goodbye

Shirley N. Weber and Jocelyn Benson wrote an article for CNN wherein they rightly warn that if voters do not vote out of office Republican politicians at state and federal levels in 2022, elections in the future will not be determined by voters but rather by elected officials in states where politicians change laws such that they and not voters determine who wins elections. THey warn that if people who value democracy do not vote out these Republican politicians they will lose it. To read the article click on Vote to Save Democracy.

* * *

Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid

"Republicans" are urging armed violence to affect future elections that don't go their way

Politicians in what used to be the Republican Party, but now in actuality is Trump's cult of personality, are calling the January 6 insurrection to overcome the 2020 election "legitimate political discourse," stating that if elections didn't yield wins for "Republicans" the losers could incite violence to overturn them.

In an October 2021 article, Aaron Blake of the New York Times stated that "Republicans at Trump's urging, are justifying armed revolution and violence if elections don't elect Republicans to office. Read the article (click on Blake Article) if you want proof of how "Republicans" are urging and approving of violence to overturn elections. The only way you can prevent this is by voting in the 2022 election to turn out of office these undemocratic politicians (Republicans at state and national levels). Vote in 2022 or learn to live under a Trump dictatorship.

* * *

Hitler and Trump: Co-eval Self-admitted Conspirators

Hitler wrote his infamous book Mein Kampf while serving five years in prison for high treason.  In this manifesto, he ranted against a purported Jewish conspiracy and telegraphed his political ideology and future plan for Germany, which was to completely destroy the current political system with a revolution.  He said that Germany needed "Lebensraum" (more land to the East), portending his invasions of Russia and Poland. The Germans and the world paid little attention: for this oversight they allowed him to bully his way to the Chancellorship and dictatorship. And so, Germany and the world suffered a second world war which completely destroyed Germany as well as killing millions of people.

Although not (yet) jailed for treason, Trump like Hitler, has laid out his plan for destroying Democracy and the current political system, and complained of a conspiracy against himself. Like Hitler, he laid out a preview of how he would govern, including announcing his plan for pardoning persons convicted and jailed for their part in the January 6, 2021 insurrection he incited in the failed attempt to steal the election of President Biden.  And he stated at a recent rally that if the prosecutors investigating him and his financial dealings did anything wrong or illegal," (like convicting him of illegal activities), he would unleash “one of the biggest protests we have ever had" in effect inciting another insurrection. Trump laid out his plans with the spoken word at rallies rather than with the printed word as did Hitler.  But do not forget, both men ranted and raved at massive rallies to incite members of their (growing) cults and solidify their grip on their countries.

We Americans not in the cult of Trump cannot be complacent and unmoved. Judging by the last election, free American voters (81 million) only slightly outnumber the 74 millions who proved their cult membership by voting for Trump in the 2020 election.  Political members of the cult of Trump (Republicans at state and federal levels) are promoting laws that will make it harder for free Americans to vote in the 2024 presidential election and/or for local Republican officials to declare fraud if Trump should lose and to change the vote to insure his win.

To save Democracy and our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution from a Trump dictatorship, all must vote in the 2022 election and vote out Republican politicians at state and national levels who will pave the way for Trump to steal the election in 2024. Only by retaining a majority in the House can Democrats complete the work of the 6/1 committee to expose the efforts by Trump and his cult to steal the 2020 election.


When all election fraud lawsuits over Trump’s losing the general election were rejected by all levels of courts including the Supreme Court, Giuliani and his team shifted their focus to January 6 to steal the 2020 election with fake electors.

They enlisted GOP allies from states where Trump lost to sign certificates falsely claiming they were the duly-elected electors -- even though they were not.

The idea, as outlined in a memo written by right-wing lawyer John Eastman, was for then-Vice President Mike Pence to throw out President Joe Biden's electors and replace them with the fake GOP electors on January 6 when Congress counted the electoral votes to give Trump more electoral votes than Biden and allow him to stay in office.

This failed action is another example of the complicity of Republican politicians at all levels to defeat Democracy and free elections. They provide yet another reason to vote out of office all Republicans at state and Federal levels (there are a few to re-elect, to see who click on re-elect) the 2022 election to save Democracy. To read in more detail, click on fake electors.

. . .

January 19, 2022. "Democratic" senators Manchin and Sinema vote with Republicans to prevent the voting rights bill from coming to a vote. Siding with all Republicans, they just made it easier to suppress voting by minorities in America, adding to the attack on Democracy. These new members of the cult of Trump must be marginalized by voting in the 2022 election to give Democrats in the senate a large enough majority to pass a voting rights bill.

Republican senators up for re-election in 2022 to vote out are: Rubio of Florida, Johnson of Wisconsin, Young of Indiana, Paul of Kentucky, Kennedy of Louisiana, Crapo of Idaho, Lee of Utah, Thune of South Dakota, Lankford of Oklahoma, Boozeman of Arkansas, Grassley of Iowa, Moran of North Dakota, Scott of South Carolina, and Hoevan of North Dakota. None of these senators voted to remove Trump in either of the two impeachment trials, cementing their membership in the cult of Trump.

Additionally, senate seats left open in 2022 by retiring Republican senators in Pennsylvania (Toomey), Ohio (Portman), Missouri (Blunt), North Carolina (Burr), and Alabama (Shelby) must be filled by Democratic candidates.

Two articles written by Michelle Obama and Zachary Wolf note how Democracy in America is in crisis and detail how to save it from the cult of Trump: primarily by voting in the 2022 election to get rid of enabling senators and representatives at federal and state levels who have been working to restrict who can vote and how to change the vote and the will of the people by overturning elections that are not favorable to Republicans and Trump. To read these articles click on Michelle and Zachary.


Two chilling articles written for CNN just before the first anniversary of the January 1, 2021 insurrection reveal:

1) How Trump and his enablers almost stole the 2020 election and how democracy will be replaced by a dictatorship if they rig state election laws to allow changing election results in 2022 and 2024. These changes will insure Trump gets re-elected by a minority of voters in 2024 by voter suppression (click on What if? by David Rothkopf to read the article);

and, 2) How to prevent that from happening by: a) getting all the facts out on the January 1 insurrection; and b) by voting out Trump's enablers (Republican senators and representatives at state and federal levels) (click on How to save Democracy by Norman Ornstein and Dennis Aftergut.


Statement by Liz Cheney, Republican, sums up voters' choice in the 2022 and 2024 elections:

"We can either be loyal to Donald Trump or we can be loyal to the Constitution, but we cannot be both."

Or, as CNN's Chris Cillizza said, "Are you with us or with (Trump's) terrorists?"

Any republicans, at state and federal level, who are elected in the 2022 election will be loyal to Trump and not to Democracy or the Constitution.

Want proof? Look no further than the gubernatorial race in Alaska. Trump told the republican candidate that he would support his election if he, Mike Dunlevy, would not support the re-election of fellow republican Senator Lisa Murkowski (one of the few republican senators who voted to remove Trump from office in the impeachment trial). And candidate Dunlevy agreed to do just that to obtain Trump's blessing. In this case, Dunlevy chose Trump over the Republican party and Democracy.

To save Democracy and the great republic that is the United States of America, all republicans, except those noted for retention, should be voted out of office. Click on who to keep to see which republican senators and representatives in congress should be voted in/out. No republicans should be elected/re-elected at the state level. If they are, after the 2024 election when Trump will be re-elected because of how republicans at state levels are creating laws to allow them to determine who won the 2024 election in their respective states, it will be Heil Trump and dictatorship, with White supremacist groups like the Proud Boys as Trump's terrorizer Brown Shirts.

VOTE IN THE 2022 election or be prepared to live under a dictatorship and the death of Democracy.


CNN's Marshall Cohen details how Trump tried to steal the election in 2020. To read the article, click on Trump tries to steal election. If Trump's enablers in congress (repubicans at state and federal levels) are not voted out of office in 2022, expect to see a successful replay of the events in the article in the 2024 presidential election.

Dan Merica, CNN December 22, 2021- Why voting in the 2022 election is critical to saving Democracy and improving tine lives of Americans.

To read this article, click on Vote to Save America.

By voting against the Build Back Better legislation, Joe Manchin is proving his allegiance to the defeat Joe Biden policy of Senate Leader McConnell by preventing Biden's plans to help improve Americans' lives. Again proof positive that Americans must elect more Democratic senators in the 2022 election to marginalize wannabe republicans like Manchin. Republican senators up for re-election in 2022 who must be voted out of office are: Boozeman (AR); Rubio (FL); Crapo (ID); Young (IN); Grassley (IA); Moran (KS); Paul (KY); Kennedy (LA); Hoeven (ND); Lankford (OK); Scott (SC); Thune (SD); Lee (UT); and Johnson (WI). Senators retiring whose seats must be won by Democrats: Shelby (AL); Blunt (MO); Burr (NC); Portman (OH); and Toomey (PA).

Trump finds his Luca Brasi. In The Godfather book/movie Don Corleone, the Mafia boss, invites a potenial personal hit man to his compound. The Don flatters Luca Brasi and makes him feel like he has a home in the Corleone gang where people will respect him, adminre him, and include him as one of their own. Corleone enlisted Brasi because he possessed zero empathy, scruples, morals, or remorse upon killing/injuring his targets. Additionally, he was naive to the point of believing anything the Don told him.

Trump invited Kyle Rittenhouse to his compound at Mar-A-Lago ostensibly to groom his own version of Luca Brasi. Rittenhouse likely will be shunned by people his own age, will be denied admission to college and will basically be friendless. In the cult of Trump he will find an accepting group of White supremacists he can associate and identify with. Like the mythical Luca Brasi, Rittenhouse also exhibits no remorse, no empathy, no morals or scruples. The FBI and Secret Service would be well advised to monitor him 24/7.

How to stop hatred and physical attacks on non-white Christians and senseless killing of school children.

Racial attacks on representatives Omar and Ocasio-Cortez by Boebert and Gosar are manifestations of the divisive policies of ex-President Trump and will continue to divide the country. How to stop the hatred? Vote out of office the hate mongers such as Boebert and Gosar. Republican representatives under Representative McCarthy will do nothing to stop these attacks as they fear angering Trump and his base of White supremacists they need to get re-elected. If republicans regain the majority in the House and Senate, expect these attacks to intensity with potential for physical harm, including death of targeted Democrats. Anyone not wishing to live under the thumb of White supremacy must vote in the next election to vote Republicans out of office.

According to CNN (December 4, 2021) there have been 48 shootings so far this year on K-12 campuses, 32 of them since August 1. The latest example, November 30, 2021 by a student whose parents bought him a semi-automatic pistol which he used to kill 4 students and wound 6 others and a teacher demonstrates that there will be no end to the slaughter of our children until meaningful gun restrictions are voted on by Congress. Because the NRA controls republican congresspersons, the only way to get meaningful gun control is to elect out of office republican representatives and senators (at state and federal levels) so that a majority of democrats can enact gun laws that protect our children.

Associated Press November 11, 2021 Republicans decline to censure Rep. Gosar for video wherein he kills Rep. Occasio-Cortez and threatens President Biden.

Representative Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) posted a video showing him striking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a sword and threatening President Biden

The roughly 90-second video is an altered version of a Japanese anime clip. In one scene, Gosar’s character is seen striking the one made to look like Ocasio-Cortez in the neck with a sword.

Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., referred to Gosar as “a creepy member I work with” and said he “shared a fantasy video of him killing me.” She added that Gosar would face no consequences because Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy “cheers him on with excuses.” In their statement Wednesday, the House Democrats said that "McCarthy’s silence is tacit approval and just as dangerous.” Actually, besides Reps. Cheney and Kinzinger, few Republicans in the house or senate disapproved of Gosar's clip, fearing the wrath of Trump and his cult members for speaking out against the fear tactics. The incident is additional evidence that if McCarthy and enabling Republican Senators and Representatives must be voted out of office in 2022 to save America from a dictatorship. To read a fuller account, click on Gosar.

CNN November 5, 2021. MUST READ timeline by CNN of how Trump tried illegally to steal the 2020 election. Click on Trump tries to steal election.

CNN October 30, 2021. Jim Kolbe is a former Republican member of Congress from Arizona and an adviser to the Renew America Movement (RAM) on the danger ex-President Trump poses to America if Republicans regain control of House after 2022 elections - why it is so important to vote current members (especially Mark Gaetz (FL) Lauren Boebert (CO) and Marjorie Greene (GA) out of office to prevent that from happening. To read the full article, click on Jim Kolbe and RAM.

How White supremacists, at the urging of ex-president Trump and other Republicans, are attempting to use fear and intimidation to destroy democracy in America.

This is exactly how Hitler destroyed democracy in Germany—by starting with a small number of terrorists who intimidated other Germans until they gained power and cowed an entire nation into doing the will of Hitler. This cannot be allowed to happen in America.

Election board officials in states where Trump lost the election are being intimidated by White supremacists threatening to kill them and their children, hoping to get them to quit their posts so that Republican majorities in these states can install their own election board member who will overturn election results if Republican candidates lose elections.

Threats and fear are also being used by White supremacist groups to intimidate school board officials regarding masking and vaccine requirements in schools.

An October 4 memo by the US Attorney General’s office describes how the department would work with state and local authorities to respond to threats of violence and harassment against school board officials. AG Garland stated that, "We are not investigating peaceful protest or parent involvement at school board meetings. We are only concerned about violence, threats of violence against school administrators, teachers, and staff .We are worried about that across the board. We're worried about threats against members of Congress. We're worried about threats against police."

Republicans are fighting this attempt to protect Democracy. The only way to save America from a dictatorship foisted upon us by Republicans is to vote them out of office - at state and Federal levels. Americans must drive them out of office to save democracy from Trump and his White supremacist supporters. Voting is their only tool. All must vote to save Democracy in every and all elections.

Documentation of how Trump tried to steal the election. Three reports. Click on each to read

1. Senate report one

2. Senate report two

3. Senate report three

Senators Sinema and Manchin align themselves with Senator McConnell. Mitch McConnell stated his primary goal during the Obama presidency was to make it fail. He is doing exactly the same with the Biden presidency. By refusing to go along with fellow Democrats in supporting President Biden's plan to restore Democracy and rebuild the country after the 4-year disaster of Trump, Manchin and Sinema reveal themselves as McConnell (and Trump) acolytes. For Manchin it is understandable if he aligns with the Republicans: he is placing his re-election (for which he needs votes of White supremacists) above the interests of his state constituents and all others in America. As for Sinema, one can only laugh, because there is no cure for stupid. Both need to be primaried when they are up for re-election (sadly, not until 2026) and replaced by true Democratic candidates.

October 2, 2021. CNN writer Chris Cilliza documents how ex-President Trump corrupted Harriet Hageman into placing fealty to him and turning her back on Democracy and Wyoming constituents (and America) to favor and sponsor White supremacy as she challenges Rep. Cheney for her Wyoming seat in Congress. Click on The Corruption of Harriet Hageman to understand why it is so important to vote to retain Liz Cheney and for Democracy in 2022. Wyoming voters must reject White supremacy and authoritarianism.

September 22, 2021. CNN reports more information on how Trump tried to steal the election by having Raffensberger decertify the election in Georgia (and more, unfortunately) - click on more info on how Trump continues to try and steal the election.

September 20, 2021. CNN posts 6-point plan Trump lawyer pressed on vice-president Pence to overturn the 2020 election results - click on Letter to Pence on how to overturn 2020 election.

September 16, 2021. CNN posts calls made by then-President Trump to try to steal the 2020 election - click on Trump Tries to Steal Election

September 1, 2021: Texas republicans repeal regulations restricting gun safety laws

A new pro-gun law in Texas that went into effect Wednesday allows most Texans who legally own a firearm to carry it openly in public without obtaining a permit or training, a measure that experts say will make it more challenging for law enforcement to protect the public from gun violence.

September 1, 2021: Supreme Court refuses to overturn abortion law passed by Texas republicans

The Texas state Legislature passed legislation that prohibits abortions after six weeks and then permits enforcement of that prohibition to be done by the populace at large. The Supreme Court, bolstered by three justices appointed by ex-president Trump declined to overturn this law. Supreme Court justice Roberts said that this law was designed to make it much more difficult to bring a pre-enforcement challenge because there are not the usual government officials to hold accountable in court.

The law allows any person -- as long as they're not a government official -- to bring a civil lawsuit against a provider accused of violating the ban, regardless of whether the person bringing the lawsuit has any connection to the abortion being sought. If they prevail, they are entitled to at least $10,000 in damages, and the law is structured to make it especially costly for clinics that are targeted with an enforcement action. It prohibits clinics from recouping attorneys' fees from their court foes, even if a judge sides with the provider in the lawsuit. The measure also prevents clinics from seeking to transfer the cases to venues more convenient for them, unless they have the agreement of their opponents.

This law does what Republican politicians in the past fought tooth and nail to prevent: laws passed by authoritarian governments which encourage public citizens to snitch on others who might be seen as obstructing the desires of the regime. A typical example would be where a Uber driver taking a pregnant woman to an abortion clinic is reported and the snitcher gets a $10,000 bonus for doing so. Such laws only sink Texas farther into the muck of a banana republic where there are no protections for citizens against authoritarian regimes.

August 31, 2021. Kevin McCarthy, acting as mafia capo to mafia boss Donald Trump, threatens reprisals against telephone companies assisting the January 6 commission investigating the role of Republican lawmakers in the insurrection designed to overthrow the 2020 election.

In a mafia organization, similar to the cult of Trump, the ultimate boss has several “capos” who carry out his orders.

In some cases, capos threaten people who do not comply with the wishes of the boss and follow up the threats with actions.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was acting as a mafia capo for ex-president Trump on Tuesday August 31, 2021 when he issued a threat to companies that have records of telephone conversations of republican congress people who may have been conspiring with the boss, then-president Trump, to incite and carry out the insurrection on January 6, 2021.  

McCarthy threatened that companies that cooperate with the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot at the US Capitol will not be forgotten by "a Republican majority."  

This direct threat to cooperators in a lawful government agency trying to determine the causes of the January 6, 2021 riot is what to expect of a republican-controlled congress and is a cause celebre’ for voting out of office all republican representatives and senators at state and federal levels (except a select few who place the constitution and democracy above the cult of Trump - for a list of democracy destroyers and saviors click on mafia members).

To learn more about how to rid America of the mafia-like cult of Trump, click on saving America from Trump.

From The Insider August 11, 2021 - Ex-President Trump said of the law officer who shot Ashli Babbitt "We know who he is" in a direct threat to the law officer's life. Like Mafia bosses and dictators, Trump was acting by his playbook of instilling fear in anyone who does anything he doesn't like. This is yet another example of how the American people could be expected to be ruled by Trump were he elected in 2024- by fear and intimidation. The only way to prevent this is to vote out of office his republican enablers who are trying to pass election laws designed to favor White supremacists and prevent minorities from voting.

From CNN August 9, 2021 - a chronology of the long, persistent, and illegal attempt by Trump to steal the 2020 election in Georgia. It is so long, and so well-documented that it deserves its own web page. Click on Trump tries to steal Georgia to read the lengthy and frightening account.

From CNN, July 30, 2021. Ex-President Donald Trump pressured acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to declare that the election was corrupt in an attempt to help Republican members of Congress try to overturn the election result. During the December 27, 2020 call, Trump pressured Rosen and Donoghue to falsely declare the election "illegal" and "corrupt" even after the Justice Department had not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud. “Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen," Trump said on the call, according to notes Donoghue took of the call.

The notes are the latest evidence of Trump's efforts to pressure the Justice Department to support his false claims of election fraud as he tried to overturn his November loss to Joe Biden.

Carolyn Maloney of the House Oversight committee said "These handwritten notes show that President Trump directly instructed our nation's top law enforcement agency to take steps to overturn a free and fair election in the final days of his presidency," in a statement.

Trump's suggestion that he and Republican lawmakers would be able to intervene in the election result is the latest evidence that Trump believed he could overturn the election through the January 6 congressional certification of the Electoral College results, in which Trump's allies attempted to throw out the election results of several states.

Trump also pressured then-Vice President Mike Pence to ignore the Constitution to prevent certification, criticizing Pence on Twitter at the same time that rioters had forced the vice president and lawmakers to evacuate the House and Senate chambers.


The Art of the Steal: How to Prevent the MAGA Cult of Trump From Stealing the Elections and Your Freedoms in 2024

Saving America (and the rest of the world) from a Trump/MAGA dictatorship

History tells us how dictatorships arise, and what it takes to annihilate them. Germany provides a good example.

Germany was reeling after its disastrous WWI war and eventual loss. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for its WWI war of aggression and ended the state of war between Germany and the Allies. It led to World War II because its terms punished Germany harshly. The economy collapsed, the government lost power, the military was weak, and the treaty's “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers. As a result the German people were impoverished, angry, and looking for a savior.

The "savior" was Adolf Hitler who promised "retribution" (sound familiar?) for Germany and caused the perfect storm which caused World War II (from Wiki). Hitler ranted and raved, but he owned the German people because they were beaten down and he appealed to their sense of being persecuted. They went along with whatever he said. It wasn't until after Hitler started (along with Japan) and bungled the WWII effort that many of his senior military officers realized that he was leading Germany to ruin and made their bungled attempt to save Germany from him by placing a bomb in a meeting Hitler was holding. Unfortunately for Germany and the rest of the world Hitler survived the bomb.

Hitler's dictatorship and iron grip on the German peoples only ended when the allies began a series of firebombing air strikes on German cities, incinerating thousands of German citizens, and decimated Germany's military after America entered the war in 1944. Hitler died like a cornered rat in a bunker as the Russian, British, and American forces began a final push to destroy Germany's military. At that point, the remaining German military sued for peace to save what was left of Germany and WWII ended (but only after Japan was subjected to two atomic bomb attacks and firebombing of cities which convinced what was left of the Japanese government to sue for peace rather than cause annihilation of its peoples, its infrastructure, and its military). That is what ultimately caused the downfall of dictatorships (and threat to world peace) in Germany and Japan - the very real fear of complete annihilation.

So, how do we apply the example of Germany to save America (and the world) from a Trump/MAGA dictatorship? Fear. Fear of complete loss of power by MAGA/republican politicians. The one thing Trump and his MAGA republican politicians fear (hint: it's got nothing to do with swerving American people) is loss of power and all the perks that go with it. In the case of the Trump/MAGA dictatorship, annihilation is much easier and requires only removing from office MAGA politicians and denying Trump a second term as president by voting against them.

Who are the MAGA politicians to deny from political office? Almost all politicians who call themselves republicans. They are not. The Republican party stood for fiscal conservatism and preserving democracy from dictatorships. Now all it stands for is whatever Trump wants. When you vote against Trump to keep him out of office, make sure you vote down ticket against all politicians running as republicans.

The Germans had their chance to save democracy by preventing Hitler from taking complete control. They failed, and suffered disastrously.  We who are not MAGA white supremacists in America must rise up to save America by voting to keep the Trump/MAGA dictatorship from assuming power. Vote or lose Democracy, the Constitution, and your rights and freedoms.

For a more comprehensive comparison of the risk of keeping Trump in power, click on Hitler and Trump and read the op-ed by Roger Hull in the Albany Times Union newspaper.

The MAGA Cult of Trump

The single most important fact in the 2024 presidential election is that the MAGA party of Trump is a cult that has replaced the Republican party. Members of cults, and there were 74 million MAGA cult members who voted for Trump in 2020, will only listen to what the cult leader says, and believe anything else is "fake news." This means that facts and fact-checking of Trump lies are disregarded by his MAGA cult members. MAGA cult members cannot be reasoned with or convinced by facts that counter any and all of Trump's lies. It is a waste of time. The only way to save America, Democracy, the Constitution, and our freedoms is to decisively reject Trump at the ballot box, as well as voting against all his MAGA politicians (running under the banner of the republican party).

To learn more about the MAGA cult of Trump, who its members are, and why they will vote for/campaign alongside of, Trump, click on MAGA cult.

The color red has come to symbolize Trump’s MAGA cult. Whenever people see the color red they must be aware that it stands for the dictatorial aspirations of Trump as expressed by his red ties and his red MAGA hats. The color red and the MAGA symbol stand for suppression of voting by, and persecution of, anyone not a white male supremacist (e.g., people of color, women, non-Christians such as Jews and Muslims, Democrats, and LGBTQ persons), for destruction of the Constitution, Democracy, and freedoms, for bullying, for assault weapons, for substituting 'alternative facts' for science, for vaccinations to protect health, and for masking and other behaviors designed to prevent the spread of COVID.

Simply put, MAGA and the color red stand for:
-a dictatorship run by Trump
-suppression of voting by persons of color, non-Christians, LGBTQ persons, and women
-making abortions and other medical practices designed to help women illegal
-no restrictions on who can own a gun and no restrictions for weapons designed only for killing humans e.g., assault weapons
-support for White supremacist groups such as the Proud Boys, KKK, Oath Keepers, American Nazi Party, The Daily Stormer, QAnon
-calling any actions to make Trump accountable for crimes “witch hunts”
-trusting “gut feelings” rather than relying on science addressing medical and other problems
-banning library books

How to Stop the MAGA Cult of Trump from Taking Your Freedoms Away

If there were any doubts about the power and danger of the MAGA cult of Trump to replace democracy and your freedoms with a dictatorship, the Trump rally on July 1, 2023 in Pickens S. C. should be a wake-up call. An estimated 50,000 MAGA cult members showed up to support their cult leader. And earlier, Trump had indicated that if elected president in 2024 he would exact revenge on the agencies (such as FBI and DOJ) and individuals pursuing criminal charges against him for his illegal activities (e.g., special DOJ prosecutor Jack Smith and Atlanta Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis) - all typical actions conducted by dictators.

Seth Norrholm, in an August 5, 2023 article in Raw Story, identifies the MAGA cult of Trump as the most dangerous in America. He details how and why people join such cults, how they are immune to truth and fact, and how they work to destroy Democracy in America. He wrote that the first step in thwarting the destructive power of cults is in changing the minds of cult members by educating them to see the truth about the lies the cult is based on. To read Norrholm's informative article, click on Dangerous Cult of Trump.

Unfortunately, education of cult members sufficient to change how they think and vote is impossible. For an example of how intractable MAGA cuit members are and why you can't change their minds, click on Can't Change Minds to read the story by William Proctor in a USAToday article October 30, 2023. Much more is required to save America from Trump and his MAGA cult. Much more means not voting for any republican running for office in the 2024 election at any level, including nationwide, state-wide, and local, including candidates for school boards.

Need more proof that you can't change minds of MAGA cult members, even if they are highly intelligent and educated? Governor Sununu of New Hampshire is a graduate of MIT and the prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in New York City - he is a highly intelligent and educated person. Yet when asked if he would vote for Trump for president if Trump were convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail, Governor Sununu's answer was an unqualified Yes. MAGA members and enablers cannot and will not believe anything other than the lies Trump feeds them. The only way to save Democracy, the Constitution, and your freedoms is to not vote for any republican in the 2024 election - not at any level, including nationwide, state-wide, and local, including candidates for school boards and governors.

     "Cut Off the Octopus' Head and the Arms Go Limp"

This quote, from Herman Wouk's War and Remembrance, is echoed by Will Carless and Ella Lee's article in USA Today wherein they observe that by indicting and imprisioning the heads of the QAnon, Proud Boys, and Oath Keepers cults the cults disintegrate. And that is how the cult of Trump, whose House of Representatives adherents made a mockery of selection of the next House Speaker, can be defanged - by indicting, convicting, and imprisoning their cult leader Donald Trump. If the DOJ does nothing else over the next year, this one series of actions is our only hope for saving Democracy and the Constitution with all of our freedoms from a minority of republican politicians and the rest of Trump cult members. Read Carless & Lee's article by clicking on defanging cults.

The best way to prevent Trump from being re-elected in 2024 and assuming dictatorial powers over all persons not white male supremacists is to indict, convict, and send him to jail. Removing cult leaders by imprisonment is the only way democratic countries like the USA can remove dictators from the public. The second and equally critical step in freeing America from the MAGA cult is to vote out of office all political enablers, which includes nearly all republican politicians (senators and representatives) at state and federal levels. The vast majority of these republican politicians, including persons running for office in the republican primary (including Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Mike Pence), will press for pardoning a convicted and jailed Trump so that he can continue as MAGA cult leader, should he not be elected president.

Two actions you must take if you don't want the country run by a dictatorship: 1) make sure there is public support for Jack Smith and Fani Willis to indict, convict, and send Trump to jail; and, 2) vote in local, state, and national elections in 2024 to vote out of office those republican political enablers who will attempt to keep Trump and the MAGA cult in power over your lives. ALL OF THEM. There no longer is a conservative republican party - it has been replaced by the mindless MAGA cult of Trump and stands for only one thing, unswerving allegiance to Trump white supremacists and whatever they want.

Voting will determine whether America remains a democracy or sinks into a dictatorship under Trump. It must be understood that members of cults, such as the MAGA cult of Trump CANNOT be educated or provided with information that will make them stop believing their cult leader Trump. They only believe what he says, and believe it when he calls all the legal actions being brought against him as witch hunts designed to keep him from winning the 2024 election. Deprogramming, which is used to help cult members escape from the delusional world of their cult leader is very difficult. It would be an impossible task to deprogram the 74 or so million MAGA cult members who voted for Trump in 2020, so that they could reject the lies of Trump's MAGA cult. They will vote for him regardless of indictments, convictions, and jailing because they believe him when he says he is innocent. The only way to keep Trump's MAGA cult members from getting enough votes to elect him president in 2024 is for everyone not in the MAGA cult to vote to keep him out of office. This is the only way to save Democracy and the freedoms of all people not White supremacists. Vote, or watch Democracy and your freedoms die.

The only hope of getting a Supreme Court to overturn its rulings concerning women's right to control over their bodies, religious, gender preference, and racial freedoms and rights is to vote for whomever the democratic presidential candidate is in 2024 so he/she can replace the two old Supreme Court justices Alito and Thomas (after Mother Nature hopefully calls them home) with justices who will restore the rights of all Americans.

Two Competing Cults, one Goal: Destroy Democracy

Trump's MAGA cult is well-known and is like soft porn. It basically is trying to kill democracy softly by seeking a return to the good 'ole days when women, people of color, and non-Christians were suppressed by the prevailing culture of white male dominance and privilege. The prevailing thrust is negative: against rights of the suppressed and emphasizing maintaining the stranglehold of white male christians over all others. But nothing positive and no vision for making America better for all Americans.

DeSantis' anti-woke cult has a harder edge, much like hard-core porn. It hits you in the teeth with its explicit message of anti-gun control, anti-abortion, anti-education, and anti-science. Like the MAGA cult, it is all negative with no vision for how to make the future better for all Americans.

These two cults have pretty much captivated what was once the Republican Party and its politicians at state and national levels. The only way to rescue America and democracy from these two white supremacist cults is to vote out of office republicans at local, state, and national levels. It is especially important to vote out republican state representatives and senators because it is within individual states where the state politicians determine whether there will be meaningful gun control, maintenance of womens' health issues including abortion rights, education based on truth and science.

After the latest mass shooting at a Nashville TN private school on March 27 2023, where 3 children and 3 adults were murdered by a gunman with two assault rifles and an automatic pistol (all legally obtained by the 28 year-old shooter in the state of Tennessee), Tennessee Republican Representative (U.S. House of Representatives, not the Tennessee House of Representatives) Tim Burchett perfectly summed up the response/concern of republican congresspersons by saying, “We’re not gonna fix it.” He and virtually all other republican politicians have forsaken the safety of our children in deference/allegiance to the political pressure from the NRA and their gun-loving constituents.

These republicans are part and parcel of two competing cults in America. The first, the MAGA (Make America Great Again) cult of Trump, emphasizes a return to the pre-1960s good ole days of America: white Christian males ruled over and dominated women, people of color, and peoples of religions other than Christian; ignorance of health-related science (cigarette smoking was yet to be recognized as a predominant killer); and politics run by and for wealthy white males. There was no MAGA platform for the 2020 election, excepting whatever it was Trump wanted, hardly a positive vision for improving the lives of all Americans.

The negative platform of the second cult (Wipe Out Woke, Save America) of DeSantis is worse. Basically WOWSA is against things the majority of Americans want, including gun control and outlawing of assault rifles, against abortions without exceptions for rape or health of the mother, and against equal voting access ability for all Americans regardless of race, religion, or gender. Woke is WOWSA talk for defeating gun control, abortion, equal voting rights, and gender identification. The only thing WOWSA is for is minority rule of all by and for White supremacist men, the same crowd MAGA woos.

Americans have tried, with little success, to elect politicians at federal levels (House of Representatives and Senate) who will work for them concerning gun control, women's' health including abortion, equal voting rights, and recognition of multi-gender preferences.

However, the state of Washington has shown the way to acknowledge and act upon the needs of the majority of its residents. Taking a page from the playbook of Tip O'Neill, a Massachusetts representative in the 1982 election, Washington Governor Inslee recognized that "all politics is local" and insured (through executive orders) that abortions remained legal in Washington and that assault weapons were illegal. These temporary actions (they would expire if/when Governor Inslee were replaced by a republican governor) can be made into law by majority votes of Washington State representatives and senators without interference from federal representatives and senators from Washington or any other state.

In other words, state residents would vote for laws that would benefit them directly and which would not be subject to interference by politicians from other states. All that would be required is for democrats to elect and retain majorities in the Washington State House of Representatives and Senate. An additional benefit to achieving and maintaining these majorities is that gerrymandering to redistrict federal voting districts to favor white supremacists over peoples of other race, gender, or religious affiliation could be overturned to provide voting districts that provided equal voting and representation of all residents.

The only way, the only way, to insure safety to our children and all the rest of us from assault rifle violence and death is to vote out of office those republican representatives and senators at state and federal levels who  place getting re-elected by White supremacist gun-toters above the safety and well-being of their constituents. There will be no ban on assault rifles, or even votes to enact lesser measures to protect us from assault rifles while these republicans are in office. If you love your children, and don’t wish to live in fear, you must vote out of office, at state and federal levels, the republican death mongers and replace them with democratic congress people at state and federal levels so they can make laws outlawing sale and possession of assault rifles. To see what national representatives and senators to vote out of office for your state, click on vote out the child-killers. You MUST vote them and republican state representatives and senators out of office in the 2024 election.

By narrow margins, voters rejected most election deniers at state and federal candidate levels, essentially saving democracy from cult of Trump followers in the 2022 midterm elections. However, the generally slim margins of victory signified that more than 40% of voters voted for Trump-endorsed candidates. It is depressing to think that such a large proportion of voters in America are members of the MAGA, white supremacist cult of Trump, believing what he tells them rather than what is reality.

The only way to safeguard Democracy and your freedoms and reject the racism, misogyny, bigotry, anti-semitism, and bullying of the MAGA cult of Trump is to prevent its leader, Donald Trump, from continuing to promote his anti-democratic agenda. As I outline in the book The Art of Saving America: Exorcising Fear, Lies, and the Cult of Trump, cult leaders and their cult members, including enablers such as the "republicans" supporting Trump and echoing his lies, must be defanged by removing the cult leader. Some cult leaders go down with their cults in armed confrontations with law enforcement (e.g., David Koresh and his Branch Davidians), but Trump has demonstrated by his draft-dodging that he will never risk his life for any cause. Assassinations, at least so far, lie within the province of Banana Republics, to which Trump has yet to drag America down to. One can hope that Mother Nature, combined with Trump's unhealthy diet and lack of exercise, will solve our dilemma by throwing a stroke or heart attack his way. Unlikely. We are left with incarceration following the justice system's actions, such as befell Al Capone and John Gotti when they were jailed for tax evasion. It is up to the DOJ and various state agencies to pursue Trump's many illegal actions in order to save Democracy and your freedoms by indicting, convicting, and sending him to prison from whence he will be unable to spread his lies to his cult members and incite them to future violent efforts to destroy Democracy.

Another threat to our lives and freedoms (as noted above) is the massacring of our children (and adults) by assault rifles and handguns. Guns are now the leading cause of death of children. It seems every week there is another mass killing by someone with a (legally-obtained, usually) assault rifle or pistol. The only way to stop these senseless and family-destroying killings is to legislate a ban on assault rifles. But that means getting some republican representatives and senators to go along with democrats to create laws to get rid of these weapons that are designed only to kill humans. To this date none have, and fear of the NRA preventing them from being re-elected keeps them in the assault rifle-loving cult in control over our lives.

Similarly, we see how republican congresspersons (at state and Federal levels) are creating laws to ban abortions and other health measures to protect women, to overturn elections by using electors selected to overturn the popular vote if it doesn't elect losing republican politicians, to make it harder for minority people (those not white and Christian) to vote, and to reverse laws designed to protect the environment. All of these cases, including assault weapon bans, are supported by majorities of Americans, whether they call themselves Democrats or Republicans.

How can this be? We see that in states with republican majorities in the house and senate, laws are being changed to make it harder to vote if you are not a white male. We see that republican leaders, including Mitch McConnell, are so afraid of losing the White supremacist vote and being voted out of office that they support White supremacist goals (including no gun control and taking away rights of women to control their health and to vote) and agendas, in direct conflict with the will of the majority of Americans.

Why is this? Because republicans hold enough votes to block legislation designed to protected children, women, minorities, and the environment.

The defeat of legislation in Kansas to ban all abortions by a large majority of voters provides the answer to the undemocratiC rule of the cult of Trump (formerly the republican party). You cannot change the minds of members and enablers of the cult of Trump with facts, or with the will of a majority of Americas. These cult members and enablers cannot be educated with fact or by the will of the majority of Americans to change how they think and act. The only solution is to vote out of office republican enablers of Trump and vote in Democrats who will listen to the majority of Americans and pass laws to protect them and undo laws meant to enslave them.

To repeat it is proven fact that you cannot change the views or thinking of people belonging to, or enabling, cults with bullying leaders like Trump. It is a waste of time trying to get them to change their thinking or actions. The only way to save our children and freedoms is to vote out of office politicians who claim to be republicans but in reality are cult members/enablers of the MAGA cult of Donald Trump, who is intent on only one thing - to obtain absolute power over the lives of all Americans and subject them to rule by a White supremacy dictatorship.

It is worth repeating - The only way to save our children and ourselves from mass killings by assault weapons, and freedoms our forefathers shed blood to get for us is to vote out of office people who claim to be republicans but in reality are only cult members/enablers whose allegiance is only to Trump and not to you. If you do not vote in the 2024 election to remove fake republicans from office, they will make sure that Trump will be re-elected, even with a minority of the vote, and Democracy and our children will continue to die. All you have to do is vote - no one is asking you to risk your life to save/preserve democracy. To see who to vote out of office, click on vote to save democracy, our children, and our freedoms .

Yes, America dodged a huge bullet in the 2020 election by electing Joe Biden as president and voting out then-president Trump and other bullet in the 2022 mid-terms. But the danger to Democracy, the Constitution and anyone not a White supremacist continues as most people identified as republican believe the Big Lie continuously promoted by Trump and his enablers (nearly all republican senators and representatives at state and federal levels) in his cult - that the election was stolen, and that Trump actually won it.

But even with Trump out of office there is a huge threat to the cornerstone of Democracy going on in red states: the attempt by republican-controlled legislatures to enact regulations to make it harder for minorities and anyone not a White supremacist to vote. The goal is to actually rig the elections in 2024 to favor republicans and pave the way for Trump to make a successful run at another term as president.

How is this possible? By the the lies and fear spread by the MAGA cult of Trump. And make no mistake, it is a huge cult. 74,223,319 people voted for Trump in 2020 and his history of misogyny, racism, bigotry, lying, and bullying was well-known by the 2020 election. All these voters are members of the cult of Trump and they knew who and what they were voting for and agreed with his behavior. Why? Because as true cult members, they listened only to him, disregarding science and facts clearly laid out before them. And when he told them anything in disagreement with him was "fake news" they believed him. They will all vote again for him, should he run in 2024.

The way to defeat the MAGA cult of Trump and save Democracy and the Constitution from a dictatorship run by and for White Supremacists is detailed in the book The Art of Saving America: Exorcising Fear, Lies, and the Cult of Trump

The book describes the MAGA cult of Trump, how it came about, its members, and how it is a mortal danger to Democracy, the Constitution, and anyone not a White supremacist. The book details how to counter the lies, fear, and bullying of the cult of Trump with a comprehensive communication effort based on truth. The book identifies the critical element in saving America: voting out of office Trump's political enablers (congressional representatives and senators at state and federal levels, and state governors-all identified in the book). To see who to vote out of office and who to retain to save America, click on vote out.

If you doubt the existence of the cult of Trump, consider this: more than 70% of persons who identify as Republican swallowed and accepted the Big Lie promoted by ex-president Trump - that the presidential election of 2020 was stolen by Democrats and that Trump actually won the election. Not all of these are dim-witted White supremacists. In fact, many are highly educated people and include medical doctors, lawyers, businessmen, church leaders, and athletes. Why do they believe the Big Lie? Because, as is universally true of cult members, they believe only what their cult leader, in this case Donald Trump, says and reject what all others say, including republican state election officials who certified that Trump lost in states like Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, and Supreme Court justices who rejected all claims of a stolen election.

And, if you do not pay attention to political enablers of Trump, the words of Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, threatening that there would be riots if Trump were indicted by the DOJ for crimes against America and the Constitution should chill you. Just like Mafia capos, republicans like Graham do the bidding of Trump - to put fear in Americans if their Mafia boss is indicted for breaking the law. Or worse, the claim by Marjorie Taylor Greene that if she had been in charge of the 1/6 insurrection with Steve Bannon, they would have brought weapons and been successful in overturning the election and Democracy.

Remember that in the run-up to the 2020 election, the "republican" party offered no platform of what it stood for other than whatever Trump wanted. This proved that the allegiance of "republican" senators and representatives was not to their constituents, you, the American public, but only to what the wannabe dictator Trump wanted.

To read about how to prevent the cult of Trump from stealing the 2024 elections, click on this link (get the book).

The column to the left provides on-going discoveries and updates about how close the cult of Trump came (and is still trying) to destroying Democracy and all our rights provided by the Constitution.